
490 19 8

"Now, despite the fact that you two are adorable, you need to get up and leave. Someone is incoming... Now..."

Katherine's POV

I look up and see a figure coming toward us. Christina scoops me up in her arms quite awkwardly since she is shorter than me.

 "W-who is coming?"

 Christina bites her lip at my question and Dani doesn't anwser.

 "Wh-who's c-c-com-m-ming?" 


 Fear overwhelms me.


 "Angela is coming. She looks mad. Have to protect you."

 Christina sets me down on the bed and quickly leaves with Dani. I am next to Lauren and Lisa and Amy are playing a board game. Lisa looks like she cried recently and Amy is bouncy and energetic like always. Lisa looks from me to the door that Christina disappeared behind.


 Lisa's eyes practically fall out of her sockets.

 "Repeat that."

 "A-Ang-gel-l-la I-is b-back"

I feel Lauren start shaking next to me and I wrap my arm around her comfortably, hoping to reassure her. 

 "Wait? Angela's back? I told her to leave us alone and she would get hurt if she didnt. Didn't she go to jail?"

 I shrug as Amy begins ranting.

Angela's POV

I storm back into the hospital, security guards escorting me to pick up my stuff. One of the guards begins talking to Mrs. Ronda and I make a bolt. I rush of to the stairs and go up to the floor which had my precious Christina. 

She will be mine.  

I see, what's her name? Oh like Dan... Or... Derrick... Something like that. She is standing by two people on the floor and she looks back at me. She immediately pulls two people up who I identify as Christina and Katherine. Ahh. There you are my love.

I run as fast as possible when they turn a corner and I am not able to catch up.


 I turn around and see a group of security guards. I run and then the corner. I see Christina with Derrick and the short girl. 

I roar loudly beginning to charge at the short girl. Considering I am a great deal taller than her I hope to trample her. To my surprise the real haired girl comes out of the door at the last second and trips me. How dare she. I then walk up to her and throw a punch to her face. She blocks it with her arm and then puts me in a headlock.

What was wrong with this girl?

Christina then grabs my hands and leads me to the wall. Pinning me to it when Lisa let's go of my head. She forces me to sit down kneeling on the floor facing the wall.

 "Look. I don't know why you keep coming back. Maybe you think you have a chance. Well, you don't. Please leave me, my friends, and my family alone. Oh look. Some people are looking for you."

 I hear some voices and a sharp pain in my neck.

Everything gets blurry and I fall limp and black out.I

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