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I leave the room. Time to go check on Kath.

Lauren's POV

As soon as Christina leaves I become wary of my surroundings. Despite the security of this place, Katherine's incident has made me extremely wary. I become restless and pace around the room. Where was Christina? It shouldn't take this long to talk to Amy, Dani, and Lisa. They are only on the other side of the hallway. I begin panicking. What if she doesn't come back. What if Christina got hurt? 

I hear Katherine shift next to me and my head snaps toward her.  She was just moving to get comfortable. She moves her arms around looking for something but, I'm not sure what. Katherine begins waking up. She gets up and holds her head in pain.

"Hey, Kath are you Ok?"

"F-f-fin-ne, w-wh-wher-re  i-i-s C-ch-chr-r-isti-i-na?"

"She is telling the other girls that we are back."

Katherine gives a small nod then groans in pain.

"Katherine, are you sure you don't want me to get Chri-"

Christina walks in, cutting me off. Thank goodness she is ok. I was worried.

"Baby, are you Ok?"

She gives a small nod again and clutches her head in pain.

Katherine's POV

I nod to tell Christina that I was ok. Bad idea. The world begins spinning and my headache intensifies. Christina runs over to me.

"Hey, relax, you still have a concussion. Why don't we just do verbal responses? It will help you practice speech and it will let you heal faster Ok?"


She gives me a smile.

"The girls might be coming over later, I told them before I left they could come over."


"Why we all get some sleep. Lauren and I haven't slept much and you need to recover"

Christina shifts us around and I end up on Christina's lap and Lauren is cuddled up to her side. I attempt to fall asleep. I am wrapped in Christina's warmth but my eyes don't want to close.

"I love you both."

Lauren gives a small nod and I just cuddle in further to Christina's warmth. I hope I can get some sleep.

I end up staying in a half asleep half awake state for the duration when I hear a knock at the door. I sigh and begin getting up. Christina begins to stir. She is groggy but she still manages to figure out what is going on.

"Hey, Where are you going baby?"

I point to the door.

"S-s-som-meon-ne kn-n-nock-ck-ed"

"Come In!"

She shouts but, she goes away from my ear so it isn't as loud.

The door opens and I see Dani and Amy. Where was Lisa?

"Is Lisa still asleep?"

Lisa must have been taking a nap or something.

"Yeah! Hey, Kath! How are you doing?"

Well, there is no chance that I will be sleeping now. No offenses to Amy but, she is loud and energetic. She is great when you want to be awake though. I attempt to get closer to Christina and block out the noise in hopes that I can get some sleep. It just muffles the noises. Christina begins rubbing my back in an attempt to soothe me. I give a quiet reply to Amy's question.


The girls begin talking and conversing while I listen. Lauren is somehow still asleep.

It took Way to long to write this, I kept getting distracted by stupid things.

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