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"Because I think I might like you"

Lauren's POV

Oh no. This is going to get messy really quickly. Christina is extremely protective over all of us but especially Kath and I. Which is quite understandable. After "HE" began his reign of terror over us she became extremely protective. I look over at Kath her face is one of shock and fear. Katherine grips Christina's hand for dear life as if she is going to leave. To me it is silly because I know that Christina would NEVER leave Kath. She loves Kath will all of her heart and would do literally anything for her. Luckily Christina is going to prove that to Kath.

 "I am taken, it isn't going to happen and nothing will change my mind. I am in a very happy relationship. Thank you very much for offering but no."

 That was harsh and a part of me wants to feel sympathy but at the same time... She set herself up for rejection. I mean Christina even said herself that she was taken. Angela looks shocked.

 "Excuse me?"

 She is met with silence.

 "You will regret saying no. Mark my words. I am so much better for you than whoever you are dating. In fact you are probably homophobic and you are just trying to shoo me away. Well let me tell YOU that love is Love no matter what and I will change your mind."

 We all stare in shock for the third time. She is extremely blunt and almost has mood swings as bad as Dani's. After a few moments Christina reaches a conclusion and begins her rebuttal.

 "One, I am not homophobic, two, you are right, love IS love, three, the reason I rejected you was because I am in a very healthy, happy relationship and do not want to cheat on my girlfriend. I know I am not homophobic because, I am a full on lesbian. I HATE men with all my heart. No offense to men but, I have had some... Bad experiences with them. Now, you may leave. I would offer to let you stay but you have proven to be disrespectful and from what I have heard, you caused your previous roommate to have a heart attack so, I do not trust you to be around my family and friends without hurting them. We have been through way to much to have you mess it up. We are now all on the road to recovery and I would like to get there quickly without you hindering the recovery process. I do not mean to be rude or disrespectful but I am not leaving my relationship any time soon so you can leave. Thank you for listening. I am sure you can find another single girl to fall in love with."

 See what I mean? Very protective.

Katherine 's POV

I really hope that what Christina said was true. That she wouldn't leave me No matter what. I trust her but I don't trust the other girl to stay in her lane. I am gripping Christina's hand tightly and trying to get her to sit down. She eventually does and as soon as she does sit down Angela walks away. 

Christina gives me a small peck on the cheek and whispers

 " I love you. "

I break out into a huge grin.

Angela's POV

Ugh. How could she not want me. She would be in a better relationship with me. I could give her more than anyone else ever could.

You will be mine Christina. You will be mine.

I am waiting for certain books to be updated and they are good books. I am going to promote them because I love them, Cimorelli by butterflycim and What Shapes Us by tiger17796. I wish they were updated more often but I can read them multiple times without getting tired of them. You will see the girls mental illnesses come through more in future chapters. I promise. And you will know who "HE" is during one of the future group therapy sessions.

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