Do You See Those Two?

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I don't know... That might help but, we are pretty cute so, I don't know if you can beat us, EVER.

Lisa's POV

"Hey, Dani. I don't think you can be cuter than Katherine and Christina. Be honest with yourself. Do you see them?"

I give Dani a skeptical look as I speak. She pouts back.

"Well, I can try. Don't ruin my dreams."

Amy laughs back.

"Dan Dan You are silly. You'll survive and Lisa's right, do you see those two?"

I look over at Amy and chuckle as well. Goodness, what is this girl doing to me? Her laugh is amazing. Christina starts to get up.

"Hey Kath, stay here I'll be right back. I'm going to get you, Laur, and I some food. You girls are welcome to eat in here as well."

"That's allowed?"

"Yeah. I already told Mrs. Ronda"

"Ok. I'll come with you and get Dani, Amy, and I some food."

Christina nods and begins walking out the door. She looks back at me in confusion.

"You coming?"

"What? Oh, Yeah... I didn't mean to. Sorry."

She laughs back.

"It's fine. Let's just get going though. Yeah?"

I follow her and we both leave. We walk in silence until we pick up the food. I surprise myself by speak up.

"So are we going to be doing the group therapy sessions?"

"Hmm? Sorry I wasn't paying attention"

"I asked if we are going to be doing the group therapy sessions"

"Yeah, if you come to our room we will. Why? You curious?"

"Yeah, I'm wondering about everyone's story. I'm scared to tell mine though. What if you all judge me?"

"Yeah, I'm getting worried about it too. Don't worry though, those girls are the nicest people know. Especially, Kath, she has a great heart... Sorry I started rambling."

"It's fine but, why are you worried? Aren't you guys going to do it last?"


"Oh. Yeah. Sorry"

She chuckles back as we walk into her room.

"Hey, We are back."

Christina walks back to her bed and sits down. Katherine reaches her hands out to take the food but Christina nods her head no. Katherine looks as confused as I felt. Christina then takes a fork and starts hand feeding Katherine, like a baby. We all 'aww' at the scene before us. Those two are adorable. I wonder if Amy and I can be like that one day, not like better but, close. No one can be cuter than them because I mean do you see those two?

You know what?

This is short but, I'm working on it. Chill. Seriously though if anyone knows what Christina and Amy's ship name is, please tell me because like...

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