Dani's Story

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Everything gets blurry and I fall limp and black out.

Christina's POV

Angela was injected with a sedative and the officers take her away after asking a few questions.

I walk back into my room and see Katherine and Lauren huddled in the corner, on the floor. I quickly walk over to them and give them soft kisses. Lauren on the cheek and Katherine a soft peck on the lips.

 "Your safe now. Angela has been sedated and taken away. She was here to get her stuff, now the officers are getting it for her. I promise."


 "You sure?" 

 "Lauren you are safe. I promise. I will protect you with my life."

 "Ok. I trust you."

I smile at both of them and they smile back.

 "Now, why don't you all get off the floor? It isn't comfortable and I'm sure you don't like it."


 I help both of them up and we sit down on the bed again.

All of us begin conversing with eachother besides Katherine.

The next day, After lunch.

Amy's POV

We are walking to the group therapy room and I can tell Dani is nervous. The rest of the girls go ahead as I pull Dani to the side.

 "Hey Dan! You look nervous. You ok?"

 "I'm ... I'm just nervous about telling my story..."

 "Don't worry Dan Dan. No one will judge you."

 "I know... But... I don't like feeling things and... This brings back painful memories."

 "Oh Dani. I'll be right there for you. And so will Lauren."

 "You are right."

 I smile back and we walk to the therapy. I skip by happily. 

We walk into the room and Christina looks at me questioning me silently.

Dani was worried for today...


I sit down next to Dani and put an arm on her leg, comforting her.

 "Hello everyone. As you know, it is someone else's turn to tell their story. Dani is going. So, Dani, start when you are ready."

 Dani takes a deep breathe and begins.

 "As you all know... I have bipolar, OCD and bulimia... I've been bipolar most of my life and yeah. I was diagnosed with bipolar at 6 and it was severe. I could go from being the most excited happy person in this work to wanting... To wanting to die. It hurt me to just exist sometimes. My bipolar caused me to have bulimia because... Because I thought I was to fat and... When I was happy I would binge food to get rid of the hunger but that would give me mood swings and... Then I would l get rid of it... My OCD kicked in telling me I had to throw up at least 6 times a day and... Occasionally it wouldnt 'feel right' and I would have to throw up 6 more times. This triggered compulsions for everything and soon... I couldn't leave the apartment without you worrying over somthing small and most likely unnecessary. This would make me late to places and Amy and I couldn't afford to be late. Amy was working by babysitting for money in order for us to keep our apartment. I was in school. We both knew we had problems but, we couldn't get in here without money. Our grandparents sent us money for it and we decided to get in, and we enrolled to stay as in patients 3 months from then but... It didn't work out. While I was in school I passed out and had a seizure in the floor during science. I was rushed to a hospital and when I woke up Amy was crying next to me. It broke my heart to see her like that. I asked her what was wrong and she said that I almost died... 5 times... I flattened lined from lack of nutrition for my heart... the only upside to that was... Was that I got in here for free. Amy saved the money from our original registration and started earning money again, visiting me as often as possible in the hospital. I had to get a feed tube multiple times and I hated it. Slowly I gained enough weight to... To be transported without risk of a heart attack... When I got here I was bedridden for... For a week or two before they said I had gained enough weight to... Not die... From... From just walking. I started eating but, when I started gaining weight I panicked. I started throwing up again and they had to move me so I didn't have my own bathroom. I found Christina, Katherine, and Lauren. They didn't talk at first but, they helped me through my bulimia. Then Amy came and it helped me more. I still have bad episides... But it's getting better."

Dani ends small tears falling down her face.

 "Dani, good job. Anyone have questions?"

 "Yeah... Why didn't your parents just help?"

 Dani tended and begins to get mad.

 "Ummm... I'll and see that... Our parents left to another country and we haven't heard anything from them... Ha ha ha... Ummm Dani... Please calm down... Please calm down... It's ok..."

 She takes a deep breathe and clenched her fist tightly.

 "One... Two... Three.. Four.. Five. Six. Seven eight nine... Ok. We are good. Sorry about that.

"Dani, you don't need to apologize to for your feelings. It's ok."

Dani moss and looks down at the floor. Lauren gets up and gives Dani a tight hug.

 "It's ok."

 Dani hugs back and gives a small 'thank you'. Lauren sits on the seat next to her and rests her head on Dani's shoulder.

 "Anything else?"

 "How many heart attacks have you had?"

 "I have flat lined... Like 7 times and I have had a heart attack about... 23 times."


 "Now, Any more questions?"

 Lisa nods no and we go to one of the recreation rooms.

I think it is error free. Probably not. 

K, Bye

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