Lisa's Story

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Christina swiftly sits down on the bed and lets Kath bury her head into her Chris's chest.

Christina's POV

I hold Katherine to my chest until her tears stop. When they do I notice that everyone is here for therapy.

"Ok. Today's group therapy will start now. To give a schedule of what will happen. We are all going to talk about how our day was then, Lisa is going to tell her 'story'. Everyone got it?"

Everyone nods and Lisa nervously plays with her fingers.


"Wh- oh... Yeah... I got it..."

Amy looks at her and smiles comfortingly.

"Hey, no matter what happens Lisa, just... Just know that I got you. I'll be the shelter in the storm and you can be the fire that keeps me warm. I know that what we have may not look like much, and we have troubles stacking up like building blocks but, everything is going to be ok cause I've got you."

Lisa takes a deep, shaky breath and thanks Amy silently.

We quickly go through our days Me speaking for Lauren and Katherine. Everyone saying the same thing about Angela and such.

"Lisa... Its time... If you need a few moments then we can wait."

"No... I should get this over with... I'm going to start with my hypersomnia..."

"Ok. Go ahead."

"When I was 5 I would take longer naps than other kids... Normally it was nap time for 1 hour but... they could never get me to wake up. I would occasionally sleep through the rest of the day. My parents took me to see a doctor and she said that it was a normal thing for kids to not outgrow wanting to sleep. They continued to try to keep me awake but sometimes I would be mid-conversation and I would just... Fall asleep... Just like that... I soon was diagnosed but, it didn't affect much until I got to 10... Then sometimes I couldn't even function at school because I would just fall asleep randomly. I got homeschooled and it got really bad so I got medications for it and I am doing better now."

"Good job Lisa. You did it. Now, if you want to tell the next story. If you are ready of course."

"Yeah... I'm ready. When I was about... 11 I started feeling fat... I wasn't as skinny as I used to be... When I was 8 I was so skinny. And my body started filling out and I-I freaked out. I started eating less and less... Trying to be... to be PERFECT... I couldn't reach my goal... It went from 115 to 110 to 90 to 80 and... I never was skinny enough. I started hating myself... and my body even more. It... It got to the point to where... to where... I... I started cutting... myself... I would do at least 8 cuts a day... sometimes even more... The release of pain... It was almost euphoric... It felt like I deserved the pain... I didn't think I deserved love... I wondered when I would be good enough... I wore long baggy clothes so that no one saw what I did to myself... I tried so hard to hide all my weakness from everybody...

Sadly one-day when I was having and hypersomnia episode my... my shirt rode up and my parents saw them... They were covering my stomach, my arms, and my legs... They sent me to a therapist and the therapist thought I was doing it for the attention... He would tell me to just 'drop it' and it made me feel even worse about myself. What was so wrong with me that the doctor thought that I was playing? I became suicidal and... tried killing myself... 13 times... Then my parents decided to send me here... in a few months... I slowly got skinnier... more beat up... and more depressed...

Now that I'm here though I haven't cut myself once... And... I'm hoping for a new future... With my girlfriend and new friends..."

Amy is sobbing and Dani looks to be in shock. I am gently wrapping my arms around Lauren and Katherine. Lisa finally breaks down and collapses onto the floor. Amy rushes and holds her close. She whispers what I assume to be sweet reassurances into her ear until she calms down. When she does she looks at me with a pleading expression.

"Group therapy is over... You are free to leave whenever. Or you can stay here."

Lisa rushes to the bathroom and I am glad that there aren't any sharp things that she could cut herself with.

I am so sorry this was trash. I have to go out to eat with my family because it's my cousins B-Day and we are celebrating it and I have to do homework and Sorry...

Also, thank you tiger17796 for telling me that the chapters were out of order... Man, that was a pain to organize...

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