Deep Thoughts

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I don't blame them.

Dani's POV

I am fuming right now. I hate Angela with all of my heart. I wish that she would move to another country. Not die but, move away forever. She is the stupidest, most inconsiderate, McDonald's Labour slave, I have ever met.

She has no idea what we have been through and granted, we have no idea what she's been through. Well, I do know what she feels kind of because I became addicted to purging. Any addiction is unhealthy and hard to fix but, that doesn't give you an excuse to be rude.

Having an addiction doesn't mean you have gone through more than any other person.

The fact that you like someone who is taken and that you were rejected doesn't make you special. Almost everyone has been rejected, almost everybody has liked someone has been taken. You are no different from anyone else. Now, everyone is special but, that doesn't make you better than anyone else.

I look to see Katherine with a shaken up expression and Lauren has attached herself to Christina's leg. Christina is shaking slightly and she looks tense. I hope they will recover from the scare. I know that they are very susceptible to panic attacks especially Christina with her panic disorder.

I hope that Angela gets moved to a different hospital because I don't think we can handle her anymore. She may try to be nice and kind but, she is not good at it. That's ok, not everyone is perfect but, everyone has to work toward kindness. Even if you are a sociopath.

I am ready to protect the girls with all of my life. We have been through too much to allow ANYONE mess it up. Everyone has gone through so many struggles in life, no one should have someone come in and destroy it.

Everyone deserves a happy life and unfortunately for some of us, our lives don't start the best but, we can work to make it better. For the people that are insecure, for whatever you are insecure about, would you look at someone else, see it, and immediately hate them?

Everyone's life is worth living, you still have a purpose, and when you can't see the reasons, you can take the PAIN, bring it ON, let it RAIN. It will only make you better. You need to know that it's worth the fight. You are worth the fight. You might fall but, but that shouldn't change your mind because it's worth the fight.

Anyone's life is WORTH THE FIGHT.

Even Angela's. Despite her shortcomings in kindness, she makes up for it somewhere. I don't know where but, it is there. For anyone's shortcomings, they make it up somewhere else.

Now, time to go have some pizza for lunch. I'm starving.

That was deep... Not proofread... Deal with it.

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