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I hope Lisa can be that for her.

Christina's POV

The girls begin conversing about food and I become mute again. I think about how much this place has helped me and my sisters. Before coming here I was practically mute, Katherina had a horrible stutter and Lauren refused to be away from me. I think about how much each of us have changed.

Lauren used to be permanently attached to my side, She couldn't concentrate on anything, she was extremely detached from the world, she felt derealization almost every morning. Now she has no derealization she has attached the world for the most part. She has the ability to concentrate and no longer is glued to my side 24/7.

Katherine has improved tremendously. Her stutter used to be so bad no one could understand what she was saying, She never got any sleep and she was barely able to function, She was so stressed when we came here despite the fact that it was good for us to get away from HIM and THEM. Now her stutter is manageable and on good nights she gets 4-5 hours of sleep which is so much better than none.

I think about my improvement. I almost never talked, and I would get triggered by things so easily that I spent more time in panic attacks than not, I had multiple nightmares every night, and I refused to let adults help me. Now I only have panic attacks around once a week, my nightmares only happen once a night, and I trust adults to help us more.

Now, granted we haven't fixed everything but, we have made progress and that is enough.

Then my anxiety starts getting the best of me. What if it isn't good enough. What if we never get out of here. I haven't lived my life yet. We all haven't lived the best life we could.  I- what if- What if-

"Hey, are you okay Chrissy?"

"Y-yeah, sorry"

Amy brings me out of my thoughts, she looks at me worriedly but continues speaking. I have to stop letting my thoughts consume me. I am suddenly poked and I flinch at the contact. The girls are in shock. I look up to see who poked me.

It was Angela.

Angela's POV

I got out of solitary confinement but I have to hurry because the guards will figure it out soon. I find the group of girls sitting in a rec room. I walk over to the dreamy Christina and decide to be cute would make her want me.


Sheesh, she has a harsh voice.

"I wanted to apologize and ask... Can we start over?"

"I accept your apology but, I do not forgive you. Start over with What?"

"Our relationship."

"Seriously, what do you not get about this, I am VERY TAKEN."

"No, you are not you are just making that up."

She sighs. I should sigh back. I just want to try a relationship but she can't get it through her thick skull that I am the right person for her. Like who could be better than me.

"I can prove to you that I am in a relationship."

"Oh really? Prove it."

I was not expecting what came next.

What will come next? I have an idea but, you won't know until the next chapter is done. Ha, I love teasing people, it's great. I mean you can guess what is going to happen but I won't say anything. You could be right, or you could be wrong. You will just have to see.

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