But He?

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Dani's POV

We sit down at the usual table for dinner and Christina and Family are late. When they walk in Christina seems to be alert and anxious while Katherine is pressing herself as close to Christina as possible. She is looking at the floor and they are both very jumpy. Lauren is trailing behind being careful as to not touch anyone and when she does her flinches are exaggerated

They grab food and sit down across from me.

"What's up?"

My voice startles them all. Lauren just looking normal but, confused.

 "What? I mean... Nothing much..."

 "Don't lie. I can read your body language. Now, what's got you all... Jumpy?"

 Christina bites her lip looking like she is debating on her whether or not she should tell me.

 "... Dad... Dad is coming to visit us... And... Kath and I are going... To see him."

 I look at her in shock. 

 "Wh-what? did I hear you right? You said your dad was coming and you are going to see him?"

 "Yes... Our... Our dad is coming..."

 "And you agreed to go?"

 She nods curtly.

 "There will be guards... And plenty of security. We will be safe."

 "But... But he tortured you. For years. And what if he starts to... To be verbal with his torturing?"

 "Who tortured you?"

 Lisa buts in and Laurens eyes fill with even more panic at the thought of someone finding out her secret even though she was going to find out anyway. 

 "I- you will find out in group... Someday..."

 Lisa sighs but, agrees to respect their privacy. She turns back to her conversation with Amy about Amy's Turner syndrome and how she has almost died many times.

 "Anyway. How? How are you going to handle this? He... He did things to you all."

 "They say he wants to apologize and... and a part of me wants to forgive him."

 "BUT HE. HE- Sorry..."

 I begin shouting and the room falls silent. Soon the chatter becomes louder and I whisper harshly.

 "He HURT you. He HURT Kath. He HURT Lauren. He... He didn't grieve for... For her. And you want to forgive him?"

 "I-yes... Dani... I know you don't approve but... I need closure. Please give me this?"

 "... Fine... But if he so much as says a bad thing about you. You are not going and I will personally see to it that he gets LIFE in prison."

 "Thank you! Thank you!"

Christina acts as if I was the one that she had to get permission from. I am not her parent but... I'm glad she talked to me first. I wouldn't have known what to do with myself if she hasn't told me and I had to find out from someone else.

I may be a little protective at times... Just a little.

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