If You...

546 19 7

Lisa nods no and we go to one of the recreation rooms.

Lauren's POV

After Dani finishes I can tell that something is wrong. We leave and go to a recreation room and I walk next to her. 

"You ok?"

She doesn't say anything and just leans on me.


 "I'm... I just don't like reliving those memories."

 "Oh. You know you have to feel to get better right?"

 "Sometimes... Sometimes I just want to be numb. I don't want to die but, I don't want to live."

 I stop walking and hug Dani tightly.

 "If you don't feel anything, then, you won't feel my love... If you have bad feelings then... You will have better good feelings."

Dani hugs back.


I smile and we continue walking. That conversation was stressful. My mind was racing to think of things to say to comfort her. I am shaking. Christina somehow notices and sits down next to me wrapping her arm around.

 "You Ok Lo?"

 "Had a conversation with Dani... It stressed me out that's all."


 everyone talks except for Katherine and I. 

 "Alright. I'm going to my one on one therapy... I don't want to but, I have to. I will see you all later."

 "Yeah, I should get going to..."


 "Ohhh!!! I get to see my therapist!!!

"I'm not going."

Dani says this, almost mumbling incoherently.



 "You are going to therapy whether you like it or not... "

 "Lauren, I appreciate your help but, no."

 "If you go... If you go..."

 "If I go what?"

"If you go I'll go. I'll go to therapy."

 Wait what? This is why you think before you speak.

 "If I go... You will go to therapy? Is this a deal?"

 "O-ok. D-deal then..."

 "You sure? If you really don't want to go you don't have to... I'll go anyway."

 "It's... Yeah. I'm going. I keep promises."

 "Ok... If you say so."

 What have I done?

It's short... Deal.

Not proofread. I was lazy.

K, Bye

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