Hanging out

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"Hey, wanna hang with us during our free time?"

Dani asks me taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sure."

Lisa's POV

"So where are we going?"

I ask this question because we walk past many rooms.

"To our room"

I am noticing that Christina does most of the talking for her sisters, I wonder why that is. We enter their room. What I didn't notice before was that there was only 1 bed. It was large but how did 3 people fit on it? It's not like there wasn't enough space because it was larger than "my room".

"Hey, why is there only one Bed?"

"Oh, Laur and I sleep on that bed"

"What about Katherine?"

I am met with silence. I was extremely confused, do they hate their sister? Christina goes over to Katherine and seems to ask her something. Katherine nods and begins speaking.

"I-I h-h-ha-ha-ve i-i-nsom-nia s-s-o I n-n-or-m-m-al-al-ly j-jus-t-t s-s-it u-u-up on th-the b-bed a-a-nd"

She then looks embarrassed and looks down at the floor.

Christina's POV

I walk over to Katherine.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed, you did great"


"Babe I promise, you did amazingly. I am so proud of you"


"yes, I promise."


Do you want to finish or do you want me to finish"

She doesn't respond and just points at me.

"OK. She normally sits on the bed while Lauren and I sleep"

I finish and give Katherine a reassuring smile.  She smiles back.

Katherines POV

I am so glad that Christina saved me. I don't think that I would have been able to continue. I can tell from the new girl's eyes and facial expression that she is confused. I want to explain but, I am too embarrassed to start talking again.

Christina gently grabs my hand and leads me to the bed. By now everyone else has already begun talking.

"Hey, how much sleep did you get last night?"

The concern is laced into her voice. I don't respond and just look down. I don't want her to worry but I don't want to lie either.

Christina sighs.

"You didn't get more than an hour... did you"

I nod my head no and I can feel the tears threatening to spill. I don't know why I'm crying. I just don't want to disappoint Chris.

"Hey, it's OK, I'm not mad."

She reads my mind and continues to comfort me. I realize there is silence. Oh no... Everyone knows. Suddenly, Dani begins speaking.

"So how was your day Amy?"

Amy begins rambling. I have to thank Dani later.

I use Grammarly so when writing Kath stuttering, Grammarly HATED me. That entire section was underlined red... YAY!!! I have nothing to do with my life so... I may or may not update multiple times a day. Well besides like Easter for obvious reasons.

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