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Lisa rushes to the bathroom and I am glad that there aren't any sharp things that she could cut herself with.

Lisa's POV

I rush into the bathroom. The thoughts coming back.


Why would we stop, we just tell you the truth. The truth of your ugliness. The truth about your obesity.

"NO!!! No no no no. People tell me I'm beautiful. Amy likes me. I'm beautiful."

Ha. You think so? Just look in the mirror. Look at all that fat. Why would I lie to you?

"You are wrong. You are wrong. Go away go away."

I scream at the top of my lungs trying to make the voices go away. I hear a knock at the door. I don't respond and just grip the sink tightly, my knuckles turning white. I hear the door open behind me and I begin clawing at my skin. I need a release. They won't stop.




A whale




I flinch. Who said that? They were lying.  The voices were right.


I turn around to see Amy, tears falling down her face.

Did I do this? Why is she crying? Is this my fault?

I have to fix it.

I walk over to her and wipe the tears off of her face.


My voice is just above a whisper.

"I said... Beautiful... Stunning... That's what you are. I know it's a little early for this but, but I LOVE you. You are my world. We have only known each other for a few days... But, you are my air. Without you, I would suffocate... I need you. you are amazing... You are beautiful."

"But... but the voices"

"Forget the voices. Do you trust me?"

"Yes but..."

"But what?"

"They... They never lie..."

"Yes, they do honey... They lie all the time... They are jealous of your beauty. They wish they were like you."

"Amy, they aren't people they can't be jealous."

"If they can't be jealous and they aren't people then... then why does what they say matter more than what other people say? Why do they matter more than me?"

I don't respond just taking in those words.

Why did they matter?

I pulled Amy into a tight hug feeling her tears on my shirt.

I open the door and walk out, Amy still in my arms. Christina gazing at me intimidatingly. She then mouths something to me.

What happened? Did you do something? I sware on my grave if you...

I shake my head no.

"I didn't do anything. I promise. I was having self-esteem issues and... She got upset..."

"Ok. Sorry, I doubted you... I- I just get... overprotective... Amy and Dani have gone through some things that they will tell you about in their stories... I can't tell you... They... They didn't deserve it... I do have my own reasons though."

"I believe you, it's fine. I would probably be the same way if I had to go through what you did."

She chuckles nervously.

"You don't know the half of it."

"Well... Why don't tell me it?"

"I see what you are trying to do. It's not happening. you have to wait for Amy and Dani... Or you have to wait for me to talk for them... We will see."

"Why would you talk for them?"

"Sometimes... they just... Choke up."

Christina shrugs with Katherine cuddling closer to her and Lauren curling up to Christina. Those girls are really close.  I wonder why? I want to find out but, I guess I have to wait.

I updated. You are welcome.

Thank you all for reading. Never expected 2K reads on this book. Like ever.

I have no self-confidence.

K, Bye

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