Mood Swing

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I hope Dani is OK.

Dani's POV

Angela just walked away and a security guard just pushed me. Luckily it wasn't very hard but unluckily, it caused me to have a mood swing. I had been mad at Angela but as soon as the guard pushed me my mood changes to depressed. Just great.

That man didn't even apologize. Was I that useless to him? Was I not worth an apology? I begin crying. No one can see me like this. I run off to my room.

Christina's POV

I follow Dani to her shared room. She runs inside. I don't think that she knows I followed her. I catch my breath then I go up to her door. I knock gently.

 "Dani? Are you in there?"

 I knew the answer but I didn't want to just burst into her room without her knowing who it was. I don't get a response and that worries me. Sometimes her mood swings make her do things she wouldn't think about normally.

 "Dani, I'm coming in"

I slowly open the door and see Dani curled up in her bed crying.

 "Oh Dani..." 

 I hear her heartbreaking sobs and sit down on her bed next to her and run my hand up and down her back in a soothing pattern. I have done this many times. It works well for comforting someone.

 "Hey, Dan do you want to be alone? Or do you want me to stay here?"

 She lets out a shaky breath.

 "Stay... Please"


 we sit in silence and soon She calms down.

"Now, can you explain what made you so upset that you ran off?"

 "I don't know, I was just upset that the security guard bumped into me and didn't say sorry. I know it's silly but...  It made me feel worthless... You know?"

 "Honey, he didn't mean to make you feel like that. He just wanted to get Angela because she somehow got a hold of drugs again."

 "She did?"

 "Yeah, that's why the security guard didn't say anything. I am sure he didn't mean to hurt your feelings because, I promise, you are so worth it. You are not a burden or a waste. Your not a copy. You can't be replaced. You are not your pain or your past. You are beautiful and you have something to say. You are worth it baby, you are worth it."

 She doesn't respond and just takes in what I say. She Suddenly pops up and in a very energetic mood might I add.

 "Let's go get dinner OK? I am really hungry."

With anyone else I would think that they were avoiding the subject but, I know it was just one of her mood swings causing her to not completely realize what I just said. I give her a smile.

 "Yeah, let's go."

 We get up and leave the room. We walk downstairs, grab food trays and sit down with everyone. 

Lauren immediately scoots closer to me and Katherine gives me a small kiss on the cheek to greet me. I return the favor.

 "I love you"

 "I love you too"

Amy then grabs my attention and starts whispering.

 "Is Dan Dan OK?"

 I smile back.

 "Yeah, I think she is fine, she was just upset that the security guard didn't say sorry to her.

" Oh, Ok. Good. Glad she is Ok. And Chris, I want to talk to you in private. "


 "Yeah if that's ok. Or we could wait. Whatever you want works. "

 "Ok well. Why don't we do it after dinner. Does that work?"

 " Yeah, it's not that important "

 "Ok. Then." 

I look to the other girls. Katherine was listening to our conversation and Laur was eating while holding my hand tightly as if I was going to leave. Dani and Lisa were having a cheerful conversation about Pizza. Amy joins into thier conversation and I begin to eat. 

I wonder what Amy wanted to talk to me about. I hope it isn't bad news like she is getting moved to a different hospital. I know that is extremely unlikely but my anxiety decided that this was the most important thing to think about right now. 

Umm... I don't know if that's how mood swings work but in this book that's how they work.

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