Naivety, Pessimism, and optimism

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Naivety is a thief. He wants you to believe that everything is alright. Naivety whispers, "just relax and hold still, this won't hurt a bit," as he injects you with sedatives and you become happily numb. As you are asleep in your dream of puppies and rainbows, the thief is happily robbing you of everything you own. Then, you wake up to find yourself with nothing.

Negativity is a tyrant. He will throw you into a prison of fear and forces you to forever chip away at the mines of misery and self-pity. Negativity yells, "You must buy everything I sell you!" When negativity is seated at the throne of your life, happiness is forbidden.

Optimism is a friend. He tells you, "not everything is perfect, but we can do this together. The bad times are only temporary." He encourages you to push yourself to heights you never thought you could reach but also reminds you to be kind to yourself. Optimism sees problems and finds solutions. He analyzes all the information given to him and doesn't buy everything sold to him. Optimism has a healthy level of cynicism but is still kind and open-minded.

The lesson here is quite simple; make optimism your friend. Embrace optimism and he will be a powerful ally in your life 

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