Men showing Emotions

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I found a very interesting tweet last night

 Sorry, I'm usually anti feminist and all, but I'm going to have to agree with this one

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Sorry, I'm usually anti feminist and all, but I'm going to have to agree with this one. No one should be bottling up pain and emotions. It's not healthy for ANYONE. Bottling up emotions is like having a big dog in a small house. If you keep the dog cooped up, it will tear your furniture up, pee and poop on the floor, and scratch at everything. You need to let that dog out every once in a while. Take the dog for a walk. Let the dog run around in the dog park. Then, when the dog is nice and exhausted, you bring the dog home.

There is nothing good about bottling up emotions and pain. There's also nothing good about throwing a tantrum either. Everyone needs to be taught to deal with emotions healthily. And "sucking it up" doesn't qualify. The reason why we let our feelings cloud our judgment is not because feelings are bad, but because we can't handle them!

There's a time and place to cry. There's a time and place to show our emotions and talk about our feelings. There's also a time and place to set your feelings aside to get the job done.

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