A Cup of Hospitality

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So for some reason I just remembered something awesome that happened to me in 7th grade.

So I went to this youth after school hang out called St. Andrews (that had adult supervisors of course) almost everyday after school and I hated it. The only reason I went was because no one was able to pick me up after school so I had to. Anyways, the other kids there didn't like me AT ALL and I wasn't a big fan of them. I didn't have a single friend in that place and it got lonely and depressing. On Wednesdays, the supervisors would take us all to the outdoor food court down the street for lunch because we got let out of school early on Wednesdays. Well, this new 'supervisor', a young man that went by John, was there that day. I had never seen him before. I don't think anyone else had either. Well, that day as I tagged along like a third wheel, he stayed by my side and talked to me the entire time. When we got to the food court, he walked into Starbucks with me as I ordered my drink and the barista asked if we were siblings, which I thought was funny. Well, he sat and talked with me the whole time. He made me feel like I actually had a friend. Like everyone didn't hate me, you know? He even gave me a little prayer angel and drew a little heart with wings on a napkin for me and signed it. I still have that little napkin today. That was one of the only times I felt that anyone actually gave a crap about me in that place. The sad thing is I don't think I ever saw him again, even though I continued to go to that youth place. I don't know who he was or anything, all I remember was that little act of kindness went a long way. The bible says sometimes we entertain angels without even knowing it, and I'm wondering if that's exactly what happened. I asked where he went, and no one knew, not even the other supervisors, which is weird. Just remember guys that one little thing could be a big thing for someone. A little smile, walking and talking with someone, things like that do make the world a better place.

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