Chapter 1

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(Cadence'e pov)
I had my headphones on walking the streets heading to speak to an old friend about a favor when I saw a guy thrown out of a top floor window. He was out but I was about to go on my way when a toad human think walk out of an apartment, soon the male started waking up and I must say he is quite handsome but another male showed up and I smelled anger and knew this was going to be ugly.
(?????'s pov)
Woody was choking me and I was almost losing consciousness when we heard a whistle and he let go and turned his head and I saw a woman about my age wearing, a white medium sleeve shirt, a black vest, blue jeans and black running shoes(above) she crossed her arms and said, "Buddy let the guy go before I make you beg." Woody laughed and threw me down and walked towards her and said, "What are you going to do mu-" but he was cut off when she quickly grabbed his wrist and flipped him over and had his arm behind his back and said, "That that is what I'm going to do so back down last warning." Woody agreed and sheet him go she walked over to me and held her hand out to me and I took it but Woody came at us until he felled and saw the girl I saved had his axe in his head.
(Cadence's pov)
I recognized the girl and smiled she saw me and nod, but I started walking towards the location I had to go when I felt a hand on my shoulder and stopped. But I looked over my shoulder and saw it was the male I saved and he said, "Ms I just wanted to say thanks for saving my tail but I had it." I took my ear buds off and gave him a nod and started walking again.

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