Chapter 13

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(Cadence's pov)
Me and Bigby looked around for clues but Beaten came in and saw it and gasp, we asked her questions and she told us everything but I found a picture and was shocked. Bigby came over to me and saw it and said, "That sick twisted I'm going to kill him." And Beaty saw And was shocked I looked around and told everyone to stay behind me now, they did and I started forming a spell and a mint green mist took form and showed what has been going on. I stopped when I felt my energy being drained and felled to my knees, Bigby came to my side and asked if I was ok. But beauty told us this kind of thing never stopped and to tell Snow gently, but I snapped my finger and the room was cleaned and told them not to say anything they promise.
(Bigby's pov)
I helped Cadence to where snow and Holly were but as we got there Holly saw us and glared, they walked over to us and asked if we found anything but as we tried explaining Snow told us to tell them everything now. Cadence told her and she was shocked and angry but Holly told us to get out and Snow told us to go back to the Woodlands, as they left I felt something against my back and I could till Cadence did too. But we heard someone speak and I knew it was tweedle dee and dum, they started talking but Cadence looked at me and I heard, "I'm going to zap them once they drop there guns we take them down and arrest them ok?" I gave her a nod and I saw a blue lighting charge coming off her and she zapped the two and they dropped there guns and we fought them till Holly and Gren ran over.

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