Chapter 5

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(Cadence's pov)
I had my music playing while we were walking to Lawerences place but I felt the energy of my father and uncle leaving, I gave a small smile but we arrived at the apartment and I smell something was dead and ran to the door and kicked it open. Snow yelled at me but I walk in and looked around until I found him dead, they walked in and saw him Bigby looked around but I checked his pulse and it was very very weak and slapped his face gently and he gasp and Snow freaked out until he started talking.
(Bigby's pov)
I got a few answers from him before he took his last breath but we heard movement and I went to the closet and someone ran out, I told the girls to stay here but as I was chasing the male I saw Cadence running on roof tops keeping up with me. Soon we ran to an alley and the male was cornered and I was panting but asked why he ran but Cadence didn't come down from the roof, but I asked for his name and it was tweedle Dee and he had a card in his shirt pocket. I went to take it when he said Dum and everything went black.
(Cadence's pov)
I growled and jumped down and the two men stood shocked but I let lighting charges come off my body and the one said, "Brother I think it's time to go, don't y-you think?" The other agreed and ran pasted me but I gave them a quick zap and I heard there yell of pain, but I walked over to Bigby and saw he got hit in the head.
(Bigby's pov)
I started opening my eyes and I saw the sun but I heard, "you almost look peaceful," and saw Snow. But I moved my head and saw I was someone's lap and saw it was Cadence she pointed to her head and Snow said, "She says you were hit in the head by tweedle dum," I slowly got up and helped Cadence to her feet.

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