Chapter 11

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(Cadence's pov)
Snow was nice to Holly and Holly explain to us her tail about her and her sister Lily, I came over and placed my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me and I said, "Holly we will find who did this and stop them so you and everyone else can have peace." She smiled and thanked me and told us what Lily did at the Pudden n' pie, Snow told her they could speak about Lily's funeral and they walked out. Bigby looked at me and told me we were going there and to stay close.
(Bigby's pov)
When we arrived a woman welcomed us but she gave us a warning about Georgie, but when we got inside we heard yelling and Cadence crosses her arms and her right hand was cover in mint green mist again and a dress was on the girl. They looked up and Georgia was angry but saw Cadence and said, "Looking for a job sweet thing men would die to have you." But before I could say anything a lighting bolt struck threw the roof and hit him, Cadence laughed and said, "Good job for you, you just made me and someone close to me angry." And another bolt it the ground and the two mundys appeared in armor, This surprised me but the blond had a hammer and said, "Speak vile of my daughter again mortal and I'll kill you." Georgie was scarred but Hans told us there was a book and I asked for it, Georgia tried to lie but the other male laughed and said, "You are just full of lies now give it to them or I'll turn I turn you into a mouse or worse."
(Cadence's pov)
He got the book and all four of us walked out I hugged my father and uncle and Dad said, "I knew you would take care of your self but that mortal shall not speak to you like that."

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