Chapter 2

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(Bigby's pov)
I arrived at the wooden lands and got to my small apartment to get a few minutes of sleep when there was knocking at my door and I got up and answered it and saw Snow. She told me to follow her and we walked outside to the front steps and I saw a jacket, she told me to look closer at it and saw the girl I saved head.
(Cadence's pov)
I saw something was wrong and walked over to Snow and she said, "Light I need to ask you a favor could you work with Bigby and find who did this to her?" I nod and started looking around until I found blood that was fresh on the metal gates I felt my eyes flash for a moment but I walked back to them and Bigby said, "Let's get some rest and in the morning we will pick up it up." I nod and went inside and went to the elevator but I heard someone say, "Hold the door," and I caught it and saw it was the male or Bigby as I now know his name came in and thanked me.
(Bigby's pov)
I thanked the ms but I got a better look and saw it was her from early who helped me, but I could see how eyes were a mint forest green, her hair was brown with red at the base of her hair rising, but she had ear buds in and I could tell she might be a artist. But we stopped on my floor and she got out and walked to the opposite side  of the hall and went into a room, I went to mind and saw Colin. He was sleeping in my chair but I woke him up and he moved.

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