Chapter 18

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(Snow's pov)
Me and Swineheart arrived at Cadence apartment and went inside, there was blood on the floor and she looked up and said, "I removed some of the bullets in his side." Swineheart nod but asked if she was alright, Cadence nod and waved her hand at her wounds and the bullets came out and she asked me to wrapped the wounds. After a few hours Bigby woke up but hissed in pain and saw his wrist, Cadence walked over and said, "Want me to fix your wrist?" He gave a small nod and Cadence popped it back in place and Bigby roared, but thanked her Swineheart finished removing the bullets and told them to rest and eat plenty of chicken but also they were both lucky.
(Bigby's pov)
I looked at Cadence and she was talking to Swineheart when she looked at me and our eyes locked onto each other and I saw something like a vision or something but it was me and Cadence. But it stopped and Cadence froze and asked Snow to watch me and went to another room and Snow asked what's wrong and I told her, she was confused and told me she would go find something about this and left.
(Cadence's pov)
Me and Bigby imprint on each other, I don't know how I feel I heard from everyone he likes Snow but he couldn't love me I'm just a hybrid. And I sat on my bed thinking and watching our future when there was a knock on my bedroom door and I looked up and saw Bigby, he asked to come in and I nod.
(Bigby's pov)
I sat beside Cadence and it was quiet but I said, "What happen back there when we locked eyes I saw a vision or something." Cadence looked at her hands and said, "It's you imprinting every wolf doesn't matter what kind you are if your wolf, half wolf or a werewolf you able to imprint on your soul mate. The only way to find out who your soul mate is by starring into there eyes and if you see a vision then they are your imprints."

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