Chapter 21

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(Bigby's pov)
I started shifting and fought Jersey and Woody helped me but Jersey threw us back and was charging at me when he was tackled and I saw Cadence standing in front of me and her nail were claws, her eyes were gold and her normal K-9 were sharper and she gave off a defensive growl. I got up and Woody joined us with his axe and we charged at Jersey we had him pinned and Woody placed his axe on his neck and told us to look around, we looked around and found the charge but Jersey started talking about the crooked man.
(Cadence's pov)
Me and Bigby turned back to normal and we got woody and left the lucky pawn, I thanked woody and healed his injuries and Bigby thanked him. But I blushed when Bigby wrapped his arm around my waist and Woody chuckled and said, "So you two got together congrats, Bigby your better take care of her."
(Bigby's pov)
I agreed and we went back to the Woodlands and gave Buffkin the mirror shard and he fixed the mirror, and it short fix itself and I asked where Crane was. It showed us Mary and him at the airport but she looked at us and the mirror stopped and told us to never show us this again, Cadence crosses her arms and said, "Do you want to bring her in alive or dead because I have an idea on how to capture here and she can never be free." We looked at her and she smiled and Snow said, "If you can bring her in alive then do it she has been killing mundies and is helping Crane or her boss."
(Cadence's pov)
I nod and told them I had to go talk to someone, Bigby told me he was coming too and I didn't want to argue and said, "Ok we have to go to either the roof or the ally behind the building?"

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