Chapter 15

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(Bigby's pov)
Snow told us she would leave us for a moment and left my apartment and I looked at Cadence and she closed her eyes and said, "Because you have been hurt anytime before and I couldn't let you get hurt." I stood by her right side and saw the bandages on her side and I took her hand and said, "Cadence you could have died I'm not sure if your a mundy or a fable. Who are you because you are my friend and I can't lose you."
(Cadence's pov)
I opened my eyes and looked at Bigby and said, "I'm a demigoddess and fable, my mother was a fable she was a werewolf and was walking in the woods when she met a strange man in armor and had lighting coming off him, she told me it was her imprint and my father falling in Love at first sight. They didn't care what their kind was they were meant for each other, years later I was born the power of the god of thunder magic from his step brother and the power to turn into a wolf." He was quiet and I slowly got up and wince but the blanket felled leaving me in my blue jeans, combat boots and my black sports bra. He looked at me and asked if the two Norse gods we met know me and I gave a small chuckle and said, "Loki is my uncle and Thor is my father."
(Bigby's pov)
I didn't know what to say because all emotions I was picking up was from me and a little from Cadence but I saw what she was wearing and saw she had a six pax and kinda blush. But she started heading for the door when I said, "Swineheart said to take it easy Cadence your hurt," she looked at me and said, "I was going to ho-my apartment to get changed I'll find you go talk to Snow." And she left but Colin came out and said, "Bigby what was that she walked out I can tell you like her."

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