Chapter 12

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(Bigby's pov)
I crossed my arms and said, "Cadence care to explain who the two mundies are?" She looked at me and said, "Bigby this is Loki Norse god of lies and mischief and Thor god of thunder. And guys this is Bigby Wolf." I gave them a nod and the blond returned it but Loki looked at me for a moment and smirked, but Thor told Cadence they had to leave. And in a flash of lighting they were gone, Cadence asked if there was any information to where Lily went to met her client.
(Cadence's pov)
Bigby read the book and told me it was address to the open arms hotel, we called a cab and got in and I told the driver where to go. It was quiet until Bigby said, "Are you ok back there I was going to step in but that happen," I looked at him and said, "I'm fine he just is a sick person I feel sorry for the girls who are stuck there." He agreed but we arrived and we called for someone when we heard a voice and I caught the scent of the person and knew it was beauty.
(Bigby's pov)
Beauty stepped out and asked why we were here and I showed her the key, she told us to follow her and when we got to the door we thanked her but there was growling and we turned around and saw Beast. He charged at me but we started shifting until Cadence got in the middle of us and her nails were growing into claws and her eyes were gold. She threw us back and looked at Beast and said, "We are on a case your wife was showing us to the room there was nothing going on now knock it off before I hurt you." He calmed down and so did I but Cadence opened the door and I came in behind her and saw a lot of blood and told beauty and beast to stay back.

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