Chapter 16

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(Cadence's pov) (a/u armor above is Cadence minus Sword and shield plus this means in mind)
When I got to my room I called Hemidal and was taken home, my father was there and helped me to the castle and the healers treated my wounds but dad came over with uncle and uncle said, "It's time for you to get your armor." I told them I wasn't ready to stay here but they chuckled and dad said, "Cadence your always welcomed to stay or go but this is to help you when fighting you have your wolf form and powers but you need armor. Now go your friends need your help." I gave them hugs and ran to the bisfrost and asked hemidal to send me to Bigby now.
(Bigby's pov)
It started raining and Crane was muttering things but Snow snapped at him, as we were walking out of the alley we Where half half out when black cars pulled up and I told Snow and Crane to back up. But I saw the Tweedles get out with guns but someone else stepped out and it was Mary, she tried making a deal with me handing over Crane but I disagreed. Soon told them to shot us and I went at them, but I got shot all the way back to the building wall and slid down.
(Snow's pov)
I was scared Bigby might be dead but he moved and his eyes opened and they were blood red, he got up and started changing and was winning until I saw Mary about to shot and lighting hit the ground and reveal Cadence in armor. She stood in front of Bigby and I saw lighting charges coming off her and she said, "Hurt my friend and partner is a bad chose Mary after all I know how to kill or trap you forever." She froze but gave off a greedy smile and shot at Bigby but Cadence deflected it with her gauntlet and Mary smiled and said, "Now we have a challenge."

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