Chapter 7

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(Bigby's pov)
The ride to the trip trap was quiet but snow told us to be safe, we told her same too soon we got out while she went back to the Woodlands. We enter the trip trap and saw Gren, Holly and Jack, they were quiet but Jack tried his stunt with me but saw Cadence and said, "And Who is this pretty thing." And he tried putting his arm around her shoulder but I saw a spark of static and he jumped back and Holly said, "Jack get out and leave Cadence alone," he sat down and I asked them questions until Gren got mad and turned into his true form and I tired not to fight him but he was starting to p*** me off.
(Cadence's pov)
Bigby was starting to shift but when he was thrown into the ceiling fan I stepped in and caught Grens wrist and he looked at me and told me to let him go or I would get hurt. I glared at him and said, "calm down before someone gets hurt worse or ill make you drop to your knees," he went to swing but I kicked his knee and threw him across the room. Bigby got up and I saw he was in his first stage but Woody came out and saw and told Gren Enough but he went to swing at me when I felt my eyes glow and he stepped back and I smirked and said, "What afraid of little me because trust me I am mad as it is about today."
(Bigby's pov)
Gren knocked Cadence out of the way and she hit one of the walls and charged at me, I fought back but Woody helped Cadence up and she nod a thanks but I went to kick Gren when he grabbed my leg and threw me down. But I tried getting up when I heard a thud and the sound of electrical cracks and saw Cadence stand in front of me with charges of electricity coming off her and saw Gren holding his shoulder were I clawed him and saw burn marks.

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