Chapter 22

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(Bigby's pov)
I told her what ever was easier for her and she nod and lead me out to the ally and she said, "Just a warning everything is bright and a little old fashioned but stay close to me we are only meeting them." I told her ok and she stood beside me and held my hand and said, "Hemdial open the bifrost!" And a bright light came down and soon we were standing in a gold room and a male stood in front of us with a giant sword, I was about to tackle him when Cadence said, "Bigby this is Hemdial Guardian of the bifrost and see of everything and Hemdial you already know Bigby."
(Cadence's pov)
Hemdial greeted Bigby and I asked if my father and uncle where here and he chuckled and said, "There coming princess Cadence they are being join by the warrior three and lady Sif." I told him alright and held Bigby's hand and we walked outside with Hemdial and saw a group of horses coming but Bigby looked at me and said, "So I'm officially meeting you father so he knows we are together also?" I just thought of it but I told him not to worry but he saw me in my armor and told me I look like a warrior.
(Bigby's pov)
The group stopped a few yards away and walked over to us and I saw the two males from before and the blonde picked up Cadence and said, "My daughter it's wonderful to see you but what has brought you and your friend to Asgard." She was put down and went to explained but Loki I believe said, "She asked me to bring here the mirror of the void." She told her father correct and Loki gave her the mirror but one of the new men with short blonde hair walked forward and took Cadence Hand and kissed it and said, "Hello princess did come back to take my offer?"

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