Chatpter 8

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(Cadence's pov)
I had to take a deep breath and made my lighting charges disappeared, but Bigby got a drink and was back to normal. But someone walked in and I saw it was Dee, he ran and so did Woody. I looked at Bigby and he nod and we ran after Dee, but he was ahead of us and I used my lighting charge and turned into a bolt of lightning and zapped to front of him and he felled backwards and Bigby cuffed him. But we were heading back to the Woodlands when we saw cops ever where and Bigby cuffed Dee to a lamp pole and we walked over and went unknowns to the cops and saw Snows head.
(Bigby's pov)
I was in deep thought but was snapped out of it when the detective snapped me out of it, but there was the sound of thunder and rain but I saw the detective nose bleed until she past out. Crane came in and told me we were leaving, but I asked what happen to them and if he saw Cadence. He explained it was a simple magic to knock the mundys out and that he saw Cadence walking out with two mundies, when we got outside we saw the two mundies and Cadence But she was hugging the blond and I held back a growl.
(Loki's pov)
Cadence was in tears but I saw the Midgard from before and he was watching us until I nudged Thor and he saw and we walked over to him and the older male. Cadence was behind us but Thor said, "What did you do to my daughter!" And the storm started to pick up and the male said, "Woah buddy calm down I didn't do anything to Cadence." But Cadence got in the middle of them and said, "Dad you an uncle go back home now, we just lost a friend of ours that is why I'm upset."

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