Chapter 4

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(Cadence's pov)
When buffkin told them Faith story Snow was shocked and so was Bigby but I heard thunder and looked up at the ceiling and smiled. I pointed at the door and Snow told me I could go and I ran out and went to the ally behind the Woodlands. When I got back there I saw a male with a blonde pony tail dressed in blue jeans, a black T-shirt and a jacket holding an umbrella. I smiled and he said, "Daughter it's good to see you again I'm sorry I have been gone away and not by you." I ran over to him and pulled him into a hug and said, "It's alright dad you had your job to do and how's uncle Loki I miss him." He chuckled and pointed behind him and I saw a male with long silk black hair to his shoulder, wearing a black suit and green tie. He smiled and said, "My little trickster it's great to see you again." I ran over to him and hugged him, he hugged me back and chuckled but I told them I had to go back to work.
(Thor's pov)
I told my daughter ok and she gave us one last hug and went back to her home but Loki chuckled and said, "She will soon fine her beloved brother." I sighed and we walked to the front of the building we were behind and read the sign and it read the Woodlands. But we saw Cadence and a male and woman walk out, they saw us and Cadence smiled at us and they walked on by but I saw the midgardian male smiling at my daughter.
(Bigby's pov)
We arrived at the apartment Faith's husband was at but I couldn't stop thinking about Cadence and how the two mundies were smiling at her.

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