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Chapter 2: Neighbors

Listen to the song Delicate by Taylor Swift! (cause I'm a SWIFTIE)


Children of Athena are supposed to be wise, not just clever.

--Annabeth, Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth.


"Rise and shine!" I heard my moms voice through the blanket that was successfuly covering my face from the bright light that just spread through my room.

"Mom! I'm sleepy" I groaned.

"Honey it's a Sunday morning, I expect you to use the day fruitfully, at least what's left of it" she said.

"Sunday is a day of rest!" I proclaimed and snuggled deeper into my blanket.

"Raven Elizabeth Stone! You get up this instance or I'll get your dad to pull you out" she said sternly.

"What's the time?" I asked yawning as I sat up straight on my bed.

"It's 11am. I let you sleep for a good amount of time. Now I want you to go give our new neighbours the cookies I baked" she said with authority in her voice.

"Fine, just let me get changed" I groaned and got off my bed.

As my mom moved out of my room, I decided to take a peek at this house I'd be visiting from my window.

I looked out only to see some movement from the room across mine but the curtains were shut which obstructed my view.

The room across mine always had my balcony almost touching theirs so I guessed that these new people and I would have to get along or I'd have to face their stupid faces for the rest of the year.

Shrugging I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before changing into a pair of shorts and a blue T-shirt. Since I was trying to look unique I decided to take a scarf I found in one of my drawers and tied it around my wrist, to cover up the red scars.

I walked down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen where I could get the amazing fragrance of my moms peanut butter cookies.

Slowly creeping up from behind her I picked up one cookie from the tray.

"Rave, those aren't for you" she said like she had eyes behind her head.

"But Mom how can I resist your amazing cooking" I said smiling slyly and taking a bite from the mouthwatering cookie.

"Jackie has been nothing but nice to me the whole of summer. I'm trying to show her some appreciation. How are they?" she asked confused.

"Mom! You're the best cook in the world. This Jackie person will obviously love these heaven on earth snacks or she can suck my ass" I said honestly.

"Language Raven!" she said giving me the stink eye.

"Raven, what have you done to your hair?" I heard my dad ask from behind me.

"Ummm... I dyed it?" I said unsure.

"Your hair was beautiful the way it was" he said gruffly as he too took a cookie and popped it in his mouth.

"Leave her alone Richard, she looks amazing like this too and stop eating my, cookies" my mom said sternly glaring at dad.

"Whatever you say" he muttered incoherently and walked out of the room.

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