Old Raven

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Chapter 22: Old Raven

Listen to the song There's No Way by Lauv ft.Julia Michaels.

Only those who dare to fail can ever achieve greatly.

--Robert F. Kennedy


Raven's POV

Why did I come to this party again? Aimee's parties are known Boston-wide for all the wrong reasons....

As I walked inside the house alone I take a big whiff of the alcohol in the air. Kids that didn't even go to my school were here. I decided to head to the room where the dancing usually happened.

I look around only to see Reyna on the table dancing as the guys all stood around the table, whooping and some of them even disgustingly throwing money on her.

"Remember when that was you?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Did I look that disgusting?" I asked Dallas completely dissapointed.

"Why did you think I pulled you down all the time?" he asked passing me a glass of beer.


I was so drunk, I don't even remember all that" I replied as I took a sip of the bitter cold drink.

"I hated the way the guys used to stare at you when you did that. But somehow I didn't give a shit when Reyna went up and tried to do the same" he said rolling his eyes.

"Thanks for pulling me down then" I said smiling at him.

"Oh I didn't just get you down. I took you to the bathroom where you puked non stop. Then I took you home and tucked you in bed" he said as a matter of factly.

"God, how was I so bad!" I asked laughing a bit as I covered my face in shame.

"You were the life of the party, princess" he laughed as I rolled my eyes at his nickname.

"I gotta go find Ryan. I'll talk to you later?" I asked and he nodded as I walked off towards the kitchen.

Instead of finding Ryan I find Cara and Zack making out on the counter.
"Ahem!" I coughed loud enough for the two of them to stop.

"You've seen Ryan?" I asked.

"He came with Zack!" Cara replied sheepishly buttoning the two undone buttons of her top.

"I think he went to the backyard with Mark" Zack replied enthusiastically.

"Okay... And go somewhere quiet if you'll are going to continue that" I said pleadingly as I walked out.

As I reached the backyard my eyes scanned the crowd around the barbeque but I only saw Mark talking to Terry Prescott, he's going to be dissapointed to find out he's straight.

"Looking for someone?" I heard Ryan ask.

"Hello to you too Ryan" I smile looking at him.

His plain white T-shirt spread across his shoulders and his hair was in a mess as usual.

"You look really good" he said giving me his award winning smile.

I was wearing a grey T-shirt and jeans with a flannel shirt tied around my waist. No make, not even mascara well I did put on lip gloss but does that count?

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