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Chapter 28: Truth

Listen to the song Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince.


It's the bad decisions that teach us how to make the good ones.



Raven's POV

"Could you zip me up?" I asked Cara as I stood infront of the full length mirror.

"Wow you look really gorgeous!" she sighed as she pulled up the zip of the floor length maroon gown I borrowed from her.

"Are you kidding me? You look way better" I chuckled as I stared in awe at her blue dress and her hair was pinned up into a perfect bun.

"God I hate this dress" she frowned as I rolled my eyes.

There was a knock at the door before an unknown man opened the door and stood there with a grim expression as he waited for us to acknowledge him.

"Dad hey" Cara said uninterested.

"Guests have arrived and your mom and I expect you and your friend here downstairs in two minutes" he said monotonously before barging out.

"Oh yeah that's my dad, the ruler of I don't give a fudge land" she said faking a smile.

"Umm I think we should go down" I said still afraid of the man that just left.

"Oh it's fine, two minutes is like 15 in my dictionary" she rolled her eyes as she put on a pair of ballet flats. There was another knock on the door this time the person didn't barge in.

"Dad I said I'm coming!" Cara starts angrily as she marched towards the door and swings it open.

"Zack" she said surprised as she saw a very dressed up Zack.

He was in a suit and a tie and he looked nothing like the Zack who normally wears a leather jacket and roams around town on a bike.

"How-Why-" she began.

"Your mom let me in and told me to go upstairs before your dad got there" he breathed out as he smiled nervously.

"Is the great Zachary Harvey nervous?" I asked laughing.

"No-yes okay fine I'm kind of nervous. Though your mom is an angel, I love her already! But she described your dad in a way that kind of makes me uneasy about this" he ranted nervously gritting his teeth.

"Oh you should be afraid of her dad, I'm scared of him and I'm not even dating her" I said bluntly.

"Raven!" Cara warned as she glared at me and tried to comfort Zack.

"I don't even care about my father's opinion so you need to calm down" Cara said placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Stop being so Taylor Swift!" he said nervously.

"Hey, you say anything bad about my queen and I'll kill you!" I warned him before leaving the couple in the room and walking downstairs.

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