Wish (Part 1)

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Chapter 23: Wish (Part 1)

Listen to the song Young Love by Kip Moore.


Anytime somebody tells me I can't do something, I want to do it more.

--Taylor Swift


"Calm down she did say her flight was delayed by 20 minutes! Why are you so anxious anyways?" Mark asked as we waited for Elisa to arrive at the airport.

"I have to tell you something! Something really bad that I should've spoken about before" I started breathing heavily.

"Umm okay. Deep breaths Rave" he said catching both my hands to calm me down as thousands of people walked around.

"Elisa and Ryan know each other" I said in one breath as I saw confusion rise in Mark's eyes.

"What do you mean they know each other? Did Ryan tell you this?" he asked unsurely.

"No. I eavesdropped on him and I found out that he was looking for her. I think they used to date. I mean it makes sense he clams up every time I bring up something about his life in DC, it's probably because every time o bring it up he remembers her" I ranted nervously.

"Do you think he did something? Or something bad happened which drove her to attempting sui- you know what?" Mark asked.

"I don't know. I've been trying to ignore it but now I think the situation has finally hit me and I realise I'm scared" I spoke in broken pieces.

"Rave breathe!" he said putting his hands on my shoulders "I have an idea, it's stupid but it's your best shot at finding out the truth. We both act completely clueless right now and when they meet we'll see their reactions if it's bad you confront Ryan. Otherwise we ignore it okay?" he asked.

"But what if-"

Before I got the chance to reply someone screamed out my name. Both Mark and I turned around to see Elisa Walker walking towards us with a broad smile on her face.

"Hey!" I called back as Mark and I ran towards her and hugged her tight.

"Oh my God! Your hair is pink?!" she screeched and laughed.

"I know and may I say you look gorgeous!" I announced.

"Yea! You look extremely radiant" Mark smiled.

"God I missed you guys!" she announced.

"C'mon we better get going" I said helping her with her luggage.

"Boston seems like a cute place, maybe I will come here for college" she smiled brightly as we walked to the car.

"You should. Plus my brother is already studying in the university so I'll make sure he shows you around" Mark spoke.

"Cool" she said.

I carefully put her bags in the back of my car as she sat in the front seat and Mark in the back.

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