Diners and Flirting Lessons

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Chapter 5: Diners and Flirting Lessons

Listen to the song No Excuses by Meghan Trainer.


A trophy carries dust, memories last forever.

--Mart Lou Retton


"And don't forget, happy customer, happy employee" Brian explained everything to me.

"I think it's happy wife, happy life" I said knowingly.

"You know what I mean!" he scolded, making me chuckle.

"Okay I'm leaving now, you have any problems ask Cara she's been here for a year she knows everything" he said and as if on cue Cara entered and put on her apron straight away.

"Hey! Did you get him out?" she asked as she tied the apron.

"His mom did, but I'm his personal nurse for the week" I huffed out and took the notepad from the counter.

"Did he say why he got into the fight?" she asked curiously.

"Dallas provoked him by calling me a whore" I said nonchalantly.

"Wait a minute!! He got into a fight for you!!!?" she asked grinning.

"Yea, well-" I said unsurely.

"You two so like each other!" she said smirking.

"We've known each other for four days, I don't like him, he doesn't like me!" I said laughing it off.

"Enough chit chat! Get to work!" Brian said as he put his apron up on the stand and left the diner to Cara and the cooks and I.

"Okay you take the booth over there" she said pointing to a booth with a boy about my age sitting alone as he glanced over the menu.

I walked over to him and smiled as he smirked, this wasn't new. I rolled my eyes and plastered a smile on my face as I reached the booth.

"Hey I'm Raven and I'm going to be your server tonight. Could I interest you in anything?" I asked.

"How about a cherry coke with the side of you?" he asked smirking.

I had to admit he was doing a pretty good job at flirting even if I'd heard that line a thousand times before in the old restaurant I worked at.

"I'm sorry to dissapoint you but I'm not on the menu" I said smiling slyly.

"We could do with girls as beautiful as you back in DC" he said as he brushed his hand past his blonde hair.

"You really need flirting lessons" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.

"Ryan, what are you doing here? You're grounded!" I said staring at him disapprovingly. He still hadn't done anything with the cuts on his forehead and he still managed to look good which I think was stupid!

"Rave I don't follow rules" he said winking.

"Waddup bro! And if anyone needs flirting lessons it's you asshole!" the blonde guy said to Ryan and they did that wired bro hug thing.

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