Wish (Part 2)

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Chapter 23: Wish (Part 2)

Listen to the song Eastside by Benny Blanco with Halsey and Khalid.


Turn your wounds into wisdom.

--Oprah Winfrey.


Elisa's POV

I have never felt so guilty about anything before. I froze right in my spot when I saw his face, I dreamt of this day alot. I dreamt about how much I'd hurt him the next time we saw each other, I would teach him a lesson so bad he'd wish he never met me in the first place.

But after seeing his face I just couldn't think of anything, I stared at him and I wanted to cry but he didn't deserve to see me succumb to the ground because of him.

His lips began to move and before I knew it I was shaking his hand and telling him it was nice to meet him. I wish I could've taken it back, I should've never gone through with lying to Raven about such a thing the truth would come out one way or another.

Sleeping on the bed in the guest room in Raven's house made me feel even more guilty. I hated myself for lying to her, she deserves better than that.
He must've given her his cute toothy grin and complimented her all the time, he must've done the exact same things he did to me cause that was his game and we were his toys.

It was 1:30am according to my phone, I started scrolling through my contacts before finding the name I was looking for, Lee Starr.

Lee used to be one of Ryan's best friend and he's the only one I kept in contact with after leaving DC cause in my opinion he was the only nice one there. Lee, Ryan and Zack were closer than brothers but Zack got closer to Ryan so Lee hung around with me more than Ryan in our junior year. Least to say he was the reason I survived my attempt to end my life.

My plan was simple and painless, pills. But he somehow ended up coming over to my place that afternoon and when he found me lying on the ground in the kitchen with the bottle of pills in my hand, he watched me swallow and I can still remember how he screamed before pulling me off the ground bridal style and putting me in his car as he drove to the hospital.

The lights were too bright in the hospital which ultimately made me doze off but somehow I knew Lee was there the whole time. It's weird but I could feel his presence around me.

Pressing the green call button I hoped he would pick up my call at such a bad time.

"Eli? Are you okay? Did something happen?" the person on the other side of the phone spoke.

"I'm fine Lee. Great actually!" I smiled at his concern.

"Oh good, then why call me at 1 in the morning!" he yawned.

"Why didn't you tell me he moved?" I asked dissapointed.

"Who moved?" he asked playing innocent.

"You know who! Ryan!" I replied whispering.

"What the hell! how did you know?" he asked as I rolled my eyes and sat up straight on the bed.

"Cause I met him a few hours back!" I replied angrily.

"Shit you're in Boston!? I'm driving there right now!" he said and knowing Lee he was capable of doing that.

"No! Don't! Why didn't you tell me he was in Boston when you knew I was considering BU?" I asked.

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