Goodbye Blonde Curls

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Chapter 17: Goodbye Blonde Curls

Listen to the song The Night is Still Young by Nicki Minaj.


If there was never a night or day and memories could fade away,
then we'd be nothing left but the dreams we made?

--Selena Gomez


"What do you mean keeping this job would risk alot for you?" I heard my dad ask Winston who was now ready to leave, his bags were packed and he was arguing with my parents in the living room.

I wasn't supposed to be there, so naturally I was there, listening to the ruckus downstairs.

"You can't just quit on her!" my mom said sounding desperate.

"I can't be in the same room as her! Cause she-" Winston stopped before he could say anything too much.

"I'm sorry Mr. And Mrs.Stone, but I quit" he said in a final statement before walking out into the porch.

He looked back as he was closing the door and his eyes fell on me. I wanted to run down there and apologize over and over again, cause I knew why he quit. If anybody found out that I had a intimate moment with my therapist, all hell would break loose.
He could be sent to jail, I could be the talk of town all over again.

Just giving me a faint smile he walked off. Funny thing was, all this time I wanted to get rid of him but now that I did all I could feel was a wave of guilt.

"Raven, get ready to go to school" my mom shouted out and I could here the panic in her voice. She thinks I'm hiding things from her, she thinks I'm lying.

"Yes mom" I huff. I was already ready I just grabbed my bag and my phone before I could leave my room a blue hardcover book caught my eye.

I rushed and took the book that Winston had given me and ran down the stairs. Without saying bye or eating breakfast I rushed out of the house and closed the door behind me hoping to catch Winston before he caught his bus.

Walking hastily down the street I finally saw the mess of blonde curls.
"Winston! Winston!" I shouted out but he was too far away to hear me.

"You want a ride?" I heard a familiar voice ask by my side, I look by my side only to see Ryan's emerald green eyes staring back at me.

"Actually yes! But I have to give Winston something, just give me a minute" I replied as I passed him my bag and I ran. Yes, I ran as fast as I could hoping he'd not get on the bus before I reached.

"Winston!" I called out when I was at an audible distance.

"Raven?" he called back confused as he stared at me.

"Winston" I said breathless as I reached him. He caught my arms as I used the support.

"What are you doing here?" he asked as he pushed a strand of my pink hair behind my ear.

"Uh-I-You forgot your book!" I said giving him the book back.

"Raven, I didn't forget it" he said smiling a bit, "I left it for you" he whispered.

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