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Chapter 18: Princess

Listen to the song Aftershock by Hannah Jane Lewis.


Sometimes only paper will listen to you.



"It's a dance! Not a get yourself a date to sleep with by the end of the night" I ranted to Cara and Mark. "No offence Cara"

"You do know that everytime someone says no offence they mean all the offence right?" she asked skeptically.

"Sorry" I said chuckling as I took a bite of my sandwich.

"I've never seen you turn down so many dates!" Mark grumbled.

"Who turned down whom?" Ryan joins the conversation out of nowhere.

"It doesn't matter cause I'm going to class and at the end of the day I'm going stag, with my dress!" I answered throwing the rest of my food in the dustbin and standing up firmly to make a statement.

"Since I wasn't in the mood of asking anyone formally I will be joining you in your royal stagness!" Ryan said flirtatiously.

"You don't want to go alone, especially if you have a chance to go out with me" a skanky voice spoke from behind me.

"Excuse me?" Ryan asked amused with Reyna's strut and smirk as she walked around my seat and towards him.

The whole cafeteria had gone silent after all this was the moment of truth! If Ryan says yes my entire fight against her was going to be a flop show since she'd be restored to her former glory but if he said no, holy Lord please let him say no. That's the only way I keep my crown and thats exactly how it should be!

"What do you say? You" she said pointing at him as she made herself comfortable on his lap, "Me" she said smirking, "it's only one dance" she smiled brightly.

To say I was boiling that all this was happening right infront of my face would be an understatement. She knew it would spite me to a great length if one of my friends went out with her.

"On one condition" he said smirking.

The fact that he was even considering it made me walk out of the cafeteria in disgust. There was no way I was going to sit there and watch her seduce my friend.

"Hey! Hey! You okay?" a familiar face walked up to me. I wasn't sure whether I was happy or sad or mad to see Dallas walk up to me.

"Does it look like I'm okay? You know what it doesn't matter! How can you ask me that after what happened in there! What does she think she is? Cause all I'm hearing is, 'bitch bitch bitch' " I huffed out angrily.

"I'm not sure what happened in there but you could use a friendly face" Dallas said completely clueless.

"Friendly? Last I checked I hated you. We are so not friends" I announced.

"C'mon princess, you can't deny you miss hanging out with me?" he said smiling.

"Yes I can. Denied" I answered sweetly.

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