The Same

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Chapter 7: The Same

Listen to the song Perfect Picture by Bea Miller.


Life isnt about how to survive the storm,
it's about learning to dance in the rain.

--Taylor Swift


Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ugh!" I groaned as I snoozed my alarm.

After a few minutes of procrastination, I finally got up and brushed my teeth and changed into my blue cashmere sweater with jeans.

I had a pretty tight schedule today, starting with school, then there was Cheerleading practice and then I have to meet Mark. It was just my luck not to have work loaded on top of all that.

"You want a ride to school?" I heard Ryan asking from across the window.

"Sure, and stop looking over to my room so sneakily! I could be naked or something" I said hopelessly.

"How bad could it be?" he winked as I rolled my eyes and held out my middle finger.

I walked down the stairs. Only to meet my mom in a haste at the door.

"Oh honey! I have to get to the hospital. Here's some money get something for breakfast" she said giving me a peck on the cheek before rushing out.

"Sure mom" I said rolling my eyes as it was obvious she didn't hear me.

I grabbed my keys and my beanie as I put it on and got out of the house. The weather had gotten cooler and pretty chilly so I made sure to take my coat.

As I walked out my moms car had already rolled off, so I looked the door and walked out into the street where a sleek, black convertible stood infront of me.

"Nice ride" I mumbled before taking a seat.

"Though I must ask, are you trying to impress me?" I asked winking.

"Is it working?" He asked with a devilish grin.

"Just do me a favour and make a stop at Starbucks" I said ignoring him.

"Done ma'am" he said as he zoomed off.

"If I knew you drove like a mad man I would have never accepted the ride!" I said cautiously as he literally went at the speed of light.

"Shit! Sorry I forgot!" he said and braked in full force.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I forgot about your accident and I didn't mean to scare you, I'm so sorry" he mumbled as he went at a much slower pace now.
"Remember when I told you that the story Tina told you wasn't fully true?" I said chuckling.

"Yea," he said confused.

"I never got into an accident, that was just the rumor that spread throughout town" I said smiling as realisation struck his face.

"Oh, then what happened?" he asked his eyes trained on the road as he parked his car in the Starbucks parking lot.

"I'll be back" I said incoherently as the smile washed off my face and walked out of the car and walked through the glass doors of Starbucks.

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