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Chapter 34: Again

Listen to the song Cornelia Street by Taylor Swift. 


Raven's POV

"And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends
I'd never walk Cornelia Street again
That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend
I'd never walk Cornelia Street again"
I heard Taylor Swift's voice in the background.

I wanted to open my eyes but the weight seemed too much. Who would play Taylor Swift in my room?

Wait is this coming from Ryan's room? Whoa! He likes Taylor Swift!

I'd do anything to see him jamming out to I Knew You Were Trouble!

"Come on, wake up for me" Ryan's voice pulled me out of my thoughts but I kept my eyes shut.

"I'm sorry I haven't talked, I'm scared that if I say the wrong you won't wake up and I don't want that. I love you Raven and I need you to stay with me, stay with us" his choice of words confused me, was I dreaming again.

"Cara's been here the whole time, she's just gone to get me some food from the cafeteria. Mark just went home and your parents are checking in on you every hour but I don't want to leave you. Jackie is really annoyed with me for not coming home, she hasn't said it but I can see it everytime she gets me a pair of clothes from home. But it's only been two days and I'm going to be here till you're awake so that's a promise" he continued as I felt his hand hold mine and I smiled a little though my facial muscles ached.

"I'm literally playing Taylor Swift on repeat because I know how much you love her and I'm hoping the Artist of the decade can wake you up, the things I do for you Stone" he chuckled.

"The artist of the what?" I asked confused.

"The decade she got the award-fuck Raven! You're awake, oh my god you're awake!" he squeezed my face and kissed my forehead as I felt him hug me and I reciprocated.

Slowly opening my eyes I was met with the view of Ryan's tired face, he had dark circles and his hair was completely disshelved but I also realised I wasn't in my room.

"What-Where?" my troath ached as realisation hit Ryan and he passed me the glass of water that was on the table besides me.
I drank in silence as I watched Ryan analyse my every move.

"We're in the hospital, do you remember anything?" Ryan asked as I tried to remember everything that last happened.

"I went to do the groceries and I was coming home, I think I was on a call with you. But then the phone fell- I don't remember what happened after that" I replied honestly as I caught his hand.

"It's okay, you're fine now" he smiled reassuringly as he squeezed my hand.

"Wait how did I get here? And how long has it been?" I asked unsurely.

"You were in a bad accident Rave and miraculously you only suffered a few injuries but the guy who hit you got away. We were almost going to lose you cause you lost too much blood but your parents saved you. But you've been asleep for two days straight" he ranted on as I took in the information.

"Wow I have a thing for accidents don't I?" I joked about it.

"It's not funny Rave I was scared I was going to lose you" he blurted out before I smiled at him causing him to look down and chuckle.

"Well I have to say Cara's plan of playing Taylor Swift actually worked" he continued raising his eyebrow.

"She's my forever and always" I joked as we both laughed.

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