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Hey! I'm Raven Stone. Let me directly get to the point.

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be popular?
A few months back I didn't have to wonder about things like that, I basically had everything!
The looks, the friends, the boyfriend who happened to be the best quarterback in the entire school. Everything was my definition of perfection.

Until the godforsaken night I thought of surprising Dallas, my now ex-boyfriend at his place for our two year anniversary. I had it all planned out, we were going to go to a restaurant I had reserved a table in a month ago and then we'd go and take a walk in the beach.
But, instead I stumbled upon Reyna, my then best friend and Dallas doing 'it' in his room.
Their clothes were everywhere but on their bodies.
The best I came up with at that heartbreaking point of time was to throw the charm bracelet he had given me on my birthday right at his face.

I was a wreck that night, my tears didn't stop for even a second. What seemed worse was the fact that even though the two of them knew I'd be such a mess they didn't even have the audacity to call. So much for being best friends or having a great boyfriend for two years or so I thought.

I lost everything that day. My reputation was in the dumps, I gave up my title as cheer leader captain just cause I couldn't bare to see my ex-bestfriend smirk at me day after day, what was worse was that everyone knew! All my friends knew and they didn't even say a word. I had to officially walk away from the popular table to the loner table.

Not even the geeks let me sit at their table accusing me of being a bitch. I would have told them off but I didn't have it in me. I was crushed, my spirit was crushed I couldn't even utter one comeback to Dallas freaking Kennedy when he told me "I was just a toy".

I lost everything and being myself I couldn't stand it. Crying at night's was one thing that became pretty popular in my schedule. My mom had always warned me about Dallas but I kept taking his side. What a great way for things to blow up in your face!

After the breakup she comforted me for a day or so but little did she know that it wasn't enough for me to heal.

Through the days that my junior year continued I became sick of myself more often, I stopped going out to parties, I cried myself to sleep and I did things I'm not proud of.

On the night of prom I hoped things would get better since after summer break I'd be back for my last year in this hellhole called 'Boston High'
One more year I kept telling myself. I was forced to go for prom by my mom as she thought I needed to get out more.

Oh how wrong she was, if you thought the worst night of my life was when I caught my boyfriend cheating you have no clue about how bad prom was.

Everything was fine from where I was standing, that is, the corner of the basketball court with absolutely no date.
Till Reyna walked up to the stage and called out to me, without knowing what I was doing I started walking towards the stage.

"Here's the crown we all made for you to tell you how bad we feel when it comes to you" her sickening sweet voice made me think she was apologizing till she placed a crown with the words
written in bold. Everyone was hooting and laughing at me as I felt the tears prickle my eyes and that night I had had it!

I went straight home and locked myself in my bathroom and I did something I hate to admit till date and it could've been worse if my dad had not to break down the bathroom door.

I was rushed immediately to the hospital and I stayed there for about a week before I was sent off to California all the way from Boston to the best rehab my parents could afford.

Rehab was tougher than I thought it would be. I mean I was looked upon like a hawk watching it's prey before it could strike.

But I'm going to admit it rehab was the best thing that happened to me after my life took a bad turn.

It made me stronger and much more smarter. I actually even made friends in the two long summer months I spent there.

And now that I was back I'm totally a different person and it was going to take much more than a loser crown to take me down. Junior year might have sucked but senior year is going to get a punch in the face.
Cause I come with a clear goal in mind,
'Make everyone pay for ever trying to hurt you.'

Oh and like I like telling myself, "Karma is a bitch"

This story is about the girl everybody stereotypes as the bitch who crushes everyone who thinks their equal or greater than her.
She's the girl everybody girl gets jealous of since she has the hottest guy in the school and cause they feel inferior around her.
This is how she was broken when her stereotype of popularity was proved to be an illusion set up by the people she loved.
This is her story. Cause everyone deserves love.

This is for you amazing peeps out there who supported me when I was writing My Other Half, here's a new idea of what I'm working on.

Hope you like it.


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