Throw A Stone at My Window

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Chapter 14: Throw a Stone at My Window

Listen to the song Trust Fund Baby by Why Don't We.


Time is money.

--Benjamin Franklin.


"Don't forget when you walk towards him, sway your hip a little, but not too much!" I reminded Cara as we arrived at the diner and put on our aprons.

"You seem more excited than me about this!" she said chuckling.

"Of course I'm more excited! That's what friends do to show support!" I replied in a 'duh' tone. "Let me fix your skirt! It shouldn't be so short that it screams slutty!" I said adjusting her skirt for her as she rolled her eyes.

"You're lucky I'm even wearing a skirt! I just wish I could wear my sweater and jeans!" she complained.

"Girls! We need hands here not mouths!" Brian called out snapping his fingers at us.

"On it!" I answered and took my notepad and pen as I walked to the customers.

"Welcome to Pete's diner, I'm Raven and I'm going to be your server tonight" I mumbled but didn't look up from my notepad.

"Well Raven Stone have you forgiven me yet?" the hoarse voice asked as if on cue I looked up only to see Ryan.

"You do know you're grounded right? You should be at home" I said rolling my eyes.

"But yet I'm here" he replied smirking. I just shook my head in disgust.

"What do you want Ryan?" I asked impatiently.

"For you to forgive me" he said sincerely.

"You know what fine! Just don't go behind my back again, okay?" I asked.

"I swear I won't do that again" he replied.

"Are you waiting for someone?" I asked.

"A friend actually" he replied smiling.

He was waiting for his date! I'm pretty sure of that, I mean he literally was dressed for it! A shirt and jeans, that screams date night!

You're overreacting Raven! Who doesn't wear jeans and a shirt?

Shaking my head I drove those thoughts out of my head.

"You want me to get you something?" I asked more impatient than before.

"Just a cherry cola!" he said smiling that thousand watt smile of his.

"I'll be back with it" I said walking back to the counter.

"What's he doing here?" Cara asked as she punched something into the register.

"Waiting for his fucking skank!" I replied bitterly.

"Did he say that!?" she asked inquisitively.

"He doesn't need to say it for me to know!" I replied rolling my eyes and grabbing a cherry cola as I walked back to his table still in that bitter mood.

"Here's your cherry cola, don't choke on it" I said drily.

"Way to suck the joy out of everything" he replied raising an eyebrow.

"Just drink your fucking cola and do tell me what your date would like to have" I answered back spitefully.

"Date?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

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