A New Life

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This house looks the exact same was the first thought that I had. It was the same small, quaint house. When I got inside the door it looked the exact same too, just with a lot more beer bottles lying around. I really didn't like that but I would talk to Charlie about that later.

"Your room is in the same place Bells" Charlies voice rang out.

That transported me out of my thoughts. I smiled and said "Thanks Charlie er, Dad!" with false cheerfulness. "I'll just go unpack now."

I walk to my room on the second floor. My room looked different. Instead of the original purple walls, there was teal blue walls, and what looked like new sheets and comforter. I quickly unpacked the belongings Renee allowed me to bring. I didn't have much, you know being a nuisance and all to your only caretaker. I had about 2 weeks worth of clothes, my trusty vans and some of the books that couldn't be replaced. After the stuff was put away, I sat down on the bed and just thought about life for a while. Renee was really abusive, and my friends from Phoenix didn't know. Only my girlfriend, Sierra, knew and I made her promise never to tell. When Renee pushed me, she knew what had happened and held me while I cried. I was lucky though, I only got a minor concussion and a sprained wrist. I have had way worse. That was when I decided it was time to see Charlie again. Renee forbid me from calling, emailing or contacting Charlie. That must have hurt Charlie so much. Anyways, can't be dwelling too much on the sad past, then we would never see a better future.

I hear Charlie calling me to come down, so I go down and see him with some native american dudes. I quietly said hi, not really knowing what to do. There were 2 men there, a teenager and a old guy in a wheelchair. They introduced themselves as Jacob and Billy Black. Those names rang a bell but I didn't know where from.

"We used to be best friends as little kids. We played all the time, especially with mudpies" Jacob says.

"Oh my god Jacob you look so much bigger! Are you really only one year younger than me?!" I practically yell.

"Yes I am only one year younger than you, but let's stop commenting on my size, come look outside Bella!" When we all get outside I see a huge rusty Ford truck.

"This is yours Bella" Charlie says shyly.

"Thanks Charlie I love it" I practically yell. I really did love it. It signifies a new beginning. I couldn't wait to go in it and start driving. At that exact moment though, my stomach growled. It sounded like savage bears fighting. And the guys just chuckled and said let's get some food. So we got some pizza. It was the first time in years that I was full and I ate almost a pizza and a half. When the boys commented on my appetite I just got quiet. I don't think anyone noticed though.

But when the Blacks were about to leave, Jacob pulled me aside and asked "How come when we commented that you were eating like you were starving you suddenly got all quiet?"

"Jacob can we not get in to this tonight. It is my first day here and I am tired. Let's not discuss it today." I replied nervously. Jacob looked like he was going to say something, but instead his dad called him over, and he let it go. Once they were gone, Charlie threw a set of keys at me and I caught them.

"If you ever want to go out just call me and be back by 11 ok?"

"Ok" I agreed. "I'm gonna go call Sierra, so... goodnight Charlie." I said awkwardly and walked up the stairs to my room. Once I got to my room, I remembered I should shower while still allowed to, so I showered really quickly and then went to my room to call Sierra.

Phone call: Sierra-underlined Bella- Italicized

Hey Si, i hope it's not too late to call.

No problem Bells.

Awesome. So... how's Phoenix without the awesome Bella down there?

Boring! You made it worth being here. There are no more bitch fits with all the wanna-bee Queens.

Well, I just moved to a small town, you think I'll be the new Queen B?


I actually don't really want to be in charge here. You know, gives me time to finally think about my future. Plus I really want to catch up on some reading that I couldn't do down there with HER.

That's totally ok Bells. With what you have been through by the hands of that woman, you should want to be in the back, and not noticed.

Thanks Si, You always know what to say. Anyways let me tell you about this crazy day. And I proceed to tell her the details of my day. Omitting the fact that Jacob is a shifter of course. Well that was my day how was yours?

Fine. Just boring without my little Bunny down here causing a commotion.

SI! What have I told you about calling me that? You know I hate it. I whine.

Sorry B. Couldn't help it.

Ok well it must be getting late for you, so I will hang up now. You have exams tomorrow.

Ok, well, night B. Love you.

I love you to Si.

And I ended the call. I saw the clock and it said 11:00. Wow, we were talking for awhile. I hear Charlie yell goodnight and decide to go to bed. Tomorrow will be a new day and a new day to make new friends. As I was closing my eyes though, I saw a flash of blonde outside my window and thought, Shapeshifter I can deal with, but Vampires? Seriously? And I then promptly fell asleep.

Note: Si is pronounced see.
Also it your see this note, thanks for reading.

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