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The Volturi are coming"

"What? They are coming HERE?" I yell.

"Why are they coming?" Victoria asks.

"I don't know why. They just left ya a message saying they will be here to check up on us in a couple months" That means I only have a couple months to convince Bella that she is mine. But why are they coming here? They never come to check on us. Gods, now I need to just let this anger out. I'm so angry, at life, at the Volturi, Edward and I need to get this emotion out.

I go out and start to destroy a couple trees. After a good hour, I go back to the house. I see Alice in a vision. Everyone waits until she gets out of it.

Then she turned towards me and says "Tomorrow, around 9:30, go to Bella's and just listen" she says. I just stand there, kinda confused.

"Ok?" I say and turn to go to my room. I turn on some music and just start writing something in my journal. I write to express myself, seeing as how I don't really confide in anyone. I write until about 5 in the morning. I then proof read it and write down the date. I am currently writing a dystopian novel about a girl with superpowers running away with her beau. Anyways, I am bored now. I go downstairs to find Victoria and Emmett snogging, along with Alice and Jasper. Gross.

"Hey, y'all want to do something" I ask, after I got their attention.

"Sure, what?" Emmett asks. "Let's do a prank on Eddie!" he says, with so much glee, you couldn't say no.

"Ok, but how? "Alice asks.

"We should hide his whole music collection!" Victoria says.

"That actually isn't a bad idea" I say. So we distract Edward, well, Emmett and Jasper distract Edward with mental images of them and their mates having sex. Gross was all I could say. While Edward was distracted, we went to his room and put all his CD's in a bag. Then Alice, Victoria and I went and buried it in the backyard. Then dug a couple hundred more holes to confuse him. By the time we were done, it was 8 am. I realized I still wanted to go check on Bella, so I went and took a shower. Once I was out, I dressed in all black, kinda like Bella does. I then go to Bella's. I hear a piano being played, so I go and investigate.

Then I hear the most beautiful voice ever start to sing. I listen to the lyrics and it breaks my unbeating heart.

No one ever made me feel as small as you did

No one made me feel as cursed

I'd lie awake in bed just staring at the ceiling

Wondering if things would get worse

I was trapped under your thumb

Believing when you called it love

But I will forgive myself

And start to let it go

Accept that who you chose to be

Was out of my control

And though it might be hard

To begin again

I'll write myself a brand new story

With a happy end

I survived

So tonight

I am taking back my life

And I'll show you

That I am not nothing

I kept my head above the water

'Til the moment when all the elements aligned

And I could fly away to heal my broken spirit

And leave my demons far behind

You always said that I was weak

But the bravest thing I did was leave

So I will forgive myself

And start to let it go

Accept that who you chose to be

Was out of my control

And though it might be hard

To begin again

I'll write myself a brand new story

With a happy end

I survived

So tonight

I am taking back my life

And I'll show you

That I am not nothing

Looking up at the sky

I think I see the start of a sunrise

And I will forgive myself

And start to let it go

Accept that who you chose to be

Was out of my control

And though it might be hard

To begin again

I'll write myself a brand new story

With a happy end

I survived

So tonight

I am taking back my life

And I'll show you

That I am not nothing

I'll show you

That I am not nothing

Does she really think that? Is that what Bella has had to deal with for years? The feeling she was nothing, beneath everyone else's feet? I know what is feels like, but that was only for a couple hours, then I died and became kinda detached emotionally. I could barely stand those couple hours, how has she been handling this for 3 years? She is seriously the strongest human ever. How she even has the willpower to smile, and play around is astounding. As I was thinking, I could feel another presence, I looked up and saw Alice. She had a sad look on her face.

"I'm sorry" she says. I just stare at her confusedly.

"Why?" I question.

"Just go to school Monday, but don't do anything" and she's gone. Cryptic future seeing pixie vampires suck.

I hope you enjoyed. If you have suggestions, tell me.

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