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So should Bella be oblivious to anyone else's passes at her? Because that is actually true. :) She is oblivious as crap.

"What do you want Victoria?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok" she said.

"You don't have to do that anymore. I am not your obligation anymore" I responded. She looks hurt by my admission.

"You really think I thought of you as only an obligation? I loved you as a sister" she says, somewhat angrily.

"Well, now I know to never trust anyone, even FAMILY" I am yelling by the end, but I need to get this out. I pull over, not wanting to get in a wreck while I yell at Victoria. "You don't have to care anymore. I am not worth it" I mumble. Victoria looks so sad when I say this.

"You are worth it, even if you don't think so, what about Sierra, or your Father? Don't let what your Mother has done to you get into your head" She says.

"That woman is NOT my mother, she lost that right after she first hit me. After she let those DISGUSTING people-" I cut myself off before I could reveal one of my most hidden secrets.

"What did she let others do?" Victoria ask, concernedly.

"You don't EVER need to know. JUST GET OUT OF MY CAR!" I yell. Victoria quickly complied, and once I sure she left, I break down. I can feel the memories I have repressed bubbling up to the surface. I can feel their dirty hand on me, the pain of them being inside me, the disgust I felt for myself after it. The torrent of memories consume me. I start to hyperventilate. I needed to calm myself, but I didn't know how I start counting from 1000, hoping it would calm me, but it didn't I needed to just feel safe, but my safety is another mile away. I was about to pass out when I feel someone next to me. I look up and see Rosalie. She gave me a small smile and hesitantly reached towards me.

I was still in my memory induced haze and yell "No! I'm sorry. I'll be good! Don't hurt me!" I can see Rosalie's heartbroken expression, but I didn't think anything of it.

"I won't ever hurt you. Just copy my breathing" she says. I see her take unneeded exaggerated breaths, trying to get me to breathe. I try and eventually I could feel myself start to calm down.

Once calm I ask, "Why are you here?"

"I needed to help you" she replied. I just think of that. I feel anger settle over me and I need her OUT. I was going to blow up at her, and she didn't need that from me.

"Get out" I say. "W- what?" "OUT" I yell, tears streaming down my face. Her eyes widen, and I can see hurt in them, but she complies and is out in a second. No one can see me weak. Victoria and Rosalie have seen me weak, and they shouldn't have. No one can see me weak again, ever. I feel the icy claw grabbing at my heart again as i notice Rosalie gone. I just ignore it, my mind was in a jumble and I just wanted Sierra to make it better. I would dwell on this later. I just cry some more, I needed it.

So, it's Wednesday. Here is your promised chapter! Also, I'm going to post a one shot, maybe two shot in a couple days if them in the far future. Look out for that! I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.
-Klutzy Stone Heart

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