Just Hanging

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I am standing at the airport waiting for Sierra to come out. I just couldn't wait to see her. As I was thinking this I see her coming out of the airport. I roll down the window of my truck and yell Sierra! She looks over and smiles. Once we get her bag into the car we drive home. We had about an hour to talk in the car.

She asks how the school is here and I say "it's only been 2 days, but the guys are dicks and the girls are bitches. Except for a few, but the rest are fucking shit" I say.

"That's nice. School has been shit since you left"

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. Anyways how are you?" I ask.

"Fine. Missing you though. By the way what is going on with the bitch that left you?" She asked.

"I went over to her house and yelled at her, accidentally revealed what she has been doing to me and made friends with her sibling" I rattled off.

"Have you told Charlie what she did?" Sierra asks.

"No, if I did I would have to then go forward and tell the police. And in a small town, word gets around. Fast. I don't want any sympathy on what has happened to me" I reply heatedly.

"OK. I get it" she says. After that we just chatter on about anything and nothing. By the time we get home, we have exhausted a lot of topics. Once home, it is around 8, so we eat breakfast. It was more of Sierra eating and me picking at my food. By the time she was done, I had only eaten one bite and I was full.

"You need to eat more Bells" she says sternly.

"I know, but going weeks without eating has made it to where I eat once and I am good for a long while" "When was the last time you ate?" she asked.

"A few days ago" I responded.

"You need to eat more! You must be so underweight. How much do you weigh now? And be truthful" Sierra says.

"I actually don't know" I replied. "Let's find out"

So we go upstairs to my bathroom and see the scale. 72 flashes on the tiny screen. I was really underweight.

"See that? You have got to eat more. 72 pounds is the weight of a freaking 10 year old! Your 17! You shouldn't weigh that much" Sierra yells.

"I know, I am working on it. I just need to eat more often. Although I have the tendency to forget to eat. Whoops" I mutter.

"You need like a feeding schedule Bells. Like you start eating more frequently then start to slowly build up to 3 meals a day. I'll help you too. Also, tell your dad. He can help you"

"No, if I were to tell Charlie then he would make me eat everything 3 times a day. Then I would have to explain to him why I don't eat all that often. That would lead to the abuse and then he would make me do police report. I don't want to do that. Word would spread and I don't need people knowing my business." I repeated.

"Ok so we aren't going to do the police report, but now let's talk about your eating schedule. You should try for lunch every other day."

"That's too much! Can we do lunch every 3-4 days? Like that is reasonable, right?"

"Fine, I concede. While I am here I will help you and make sure you stay on schedule. Then when you are at school have someone that you made friends with make sure you eat"

"Um, I don't want anyone in this town to know what I have been through, the only people that know are the Cullens" I spit the name.

"Then make friends with one of them and get them to help you eat" Sierra says, exasperated. "Even if you hate one of them, it doesn't mean you have to hate all of them"

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