An Argument

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I got through my morning classes with minimal annoyance. I only got a few questions asking how I was. Good. Annoying pricks these people are. The only person who I was really touched that seemed concerned about me was a girl named Angela. The morning classes went by so fast. I was so nervous for lunch. I would actually have to eat. I really didn't want to, but I knew Rosalie would make me eat. She is just awesome like that. Ok. I can so do this. As I walk into the cafeteria, I walk to the Cullen's table and just sit and pull out a book, The Unwanteds: An Island of Shipwrecks.

As I wait for Rosalie to arrive, I can hear the whispers of student around me talking about how I have guts to sit where I am. I just ignore them and get more absorbed into my book. It was really good, I just got to the exciting part when I hear someone clearing their throat. I just ignore them and continue reading, forgetting about food. The person continues to clear their throat, so I look up and ask if they have something in their throat. I did that then looked up to see all the Cullens, bar the parents, looking at me.

"Oh, hey Rosalie" I acknowledge "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure" she replies and we walk out towards the courtyard.

"Can you please not tell anyone about what I told you this morning?"

"Ok Bella, I won't" she says.

"Go get something to eat now" she then says, sternly. I pout and we have a mini battle of wills until finally I cave and go and get me some food. Nothing looked good so I just got a salad. When I got back to the table, Rosalie looked at me, disapproving on my choice of food. Me being me, I decide to provoke her to see what happens.

"What?" I ask.

"You should have gotten more to eat" she says.

"No, I am starting small" I said.

"Fine" she says. I was so surprised she didn't fight me on it. Oh well, less arguing is fine with me. I force myself to eat the salad. I am NEVER going to eat from the cafeteria again. It is SHIT.I eat for the whole hour lunch, and when I would quit Rosalie would clear her throat and I would eat more, unwillingly. After the salad was done all I wanted to do was barf it all up. But I didn't, otherwise my girlfriend would be disappointed in me. I really didn't want that. Of the things people can say to me, saying that they are disappointed in me is in the top 3 of worst things people can ever say to me. After eating, I just read until I have to go to my next class. I then realize, I have to be polite so I look up and everyone looks to be in deep conversation, at a pitch I couldn't hear.

"So, thanks Rosalie" I say. As I say that, everyone's head turned towards me, in unison so it was like really creepy. "That was creepy" I say, then go back to reading. Then a thought hits me, were they talking about me? So I ask. "So.... what were y'all talkin bout'?" I ask with a Texan accent that sometimes comes through when I am unguarded. But they don't need to know that. They look at me curiously, obviously wondering how I know they were talking. "So, are y'all gonna answer me or am I gonna be left hanging?"

"Oh, I kinda told them why you were sitting with us today and what you told me this morning" Rosalie says, guiltily. Her voice tapers off at the end, obviously realizing she fucked up.

"What the bloody hell do you mean, you told them! Gods, I trusted you to, ya know, keep that secret. I don't need this shit gettin out and to Charlie. Gods, this is what happens when you trust a bloody vampire. Gods, I should have learned from Victoria, but no, I trusted another of your bloody kind and my trust was broken. That was private! I don't want anyone to know, your father is a bloody doctor! If he tries to help me I am getting emancipated and leaving behind everyone and everything. No one can know! I told you because I thought I could trust you, and I didn't want to hurt Victoria. Gods, just don't speak to me" I yell the last part, the rest of my little speech was whisper- yelled. I packed my stuff up and stormed away to my next class... which I had with Rosalie.

I thought about skipping, I mean I already knew everything to graduate and I could do that and then just, disappear. Hmm, that might work. As I solidified my plans, Rosalie came into the classroom and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry I broke your trust" she says, somewhat brokenly. "I know your plan for the future. Please don't do that just because of me. Just, stay and be happy, my siblings and I won't tell if you don't want us to. I am so sorry, they wanted to know and Edward was going to find out anyways" I remembered Edward was a mind rapist, well that is crap.

"I know, I'm not even that mad that you told them. I am mad that you broke the trust I had I you. Do you have any idea how hard it is to trust ANYONE after what I have been through? No you don't. But is so hard, and then the one person I decide to trust just breaks that, well that is shit. Don't talk to me. I just need time to, ya know, cool down" I say then turn to face the front of the classroom. The class drones on and on, meanwhile j am not really paying attention.

The fact that Rosalie broke the trust I put in her hurt more than I thought it would. It was like an icy claw was gripping my heart and wouldn't let go. It hurt way more ham I would like to admit. I just wanted to go home and snuggle with my girlfriend and forget about all of this crap that was put into me. I formulate a plan to just ditch the rest of the day. Yeah, I don't care if Charlie is mad. I'll just say that I had cramps and had to come home early because they hurt so much. Once the bell ring I was out of here quick as lightning. I hurry to my locker and put my books in there then run outside to my truck and start going towards my house. As I try I let my mind wander, why does everyone break my trust? Am I not worth it? Am I not good enough? Do I need to make myself better? Am I not broken enough? Does the universe need me to break even more than I already am? As I think my self-destructive thoughts I don't notice a vampire in my car.

When I finally notice I ask "What do you want Victoria?"

So... what do y'all think is going to happen next? Comment on what y'all want next. Do you think that Rosalie's breach of trust ruined their relationship? Oh well. Sorry if what I wrote doesn't fit with what I have written previously. Also, as always sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Also, updating is gonna be weekly now, seeing as how it is almost caught up to the original on So, thanks for reading!

-Klutzy Stone Heart

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