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Maybe I will go hunting

After I got hunting, I return back home. I debate whether or not to go to school today until Alice says that it will be fine. I believe her and look at the click, it says 7:45, I had an hour and a 15 minutes till I had to be at school. I pick out my outfit, and then go to the library to read for a bit. At 8:45, all of us leave to go to school. I immediately go to my first class, and anxiously wait until Biology.

The day actually passes in a blur, which I was glad of. I see Bella already in her seat. She looked pretty deep in thought. The teacher started speaking, so I tapped her shoulder. I didn't know how she was going to react.

She just says "Thanks" and looks to the teacher for instructions for the day. We had a free period, so I prepared myself for getting ignored by my mate. To my surprise she turns towards me and apologizes to me.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday. I didn't mean to say those things. I was just emotional and wanted to get away as fast as I could. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything. You seem like a pretty cool person to hang with. I hope we could maybe be friends and that you accept my apology" she says sincerely. I probably look so dumb, I am just so surprised that she apologized. I could tell that this was weighing heavily on her mind.

"It's ok. I accept your apology" I say with a hesitant smile.

"Oh yeah, just because I want to be friends with you doesn't mean I will forgive Victoria" She says as an afterthought.

"It's ok, I didn't really expect you to base on what you said yesterday" I reply.

"So, let's get to know one another" She says. I was surprised she phrased it like that. Most teenagers would just say 'Hey, let's learn stuff about each other' I decided to comment on it.

"You speak very maturely Bella. You speak as if you are an adult" I say.

"Sorry, I read a lot of books that have a lot of big words and phrases kids my age don't use I pick up words and phrases from them seeing as how I don't really talk to people and the people I do talk to are used to it" She says. Aww, that's so cute. And kinda sad. Does she not talk to a lot of people?

"Sorry if I offended you, it was just an observation" I say, sheepishly, not wanting to call her out on anything.

"Well we have about 45 minutes to get to know one another so, ask your questions and I will ask mine" She says. She's actually kinda smart... not that I was expecting anything less from my mate.

"Ok, first question, how do you like Forks?" I ask.

"It's fine, I actually like the constant rain, it calms me in a way almost nothing else can" Bella says. That is actually something we had in common.

"That's cool, your question now" I say.

"What is a vampire doing in dreary old Forks?" Sha asks, and I internally laugh.

"It is like our safe haven. It is what we call our home" I say. It is true. This is where we go every couple decades or so. It is our only permanent home.

"That's oddly heartwarming. Ok your question now" She says. I internally put at that one, did she think vampires to be heartless? I mean it would make sense considering... everything.

"Who is in your family?" She stiffens at that.

"Can I skip this question?' She asks hesitantly.

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