Rosalie POV

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Note: I own nothing in this fanfiction. Only Sierra. And da plot.

Today was going to be a normal day, or so I thought. There apparently was a new girl in town. She has captured everyone's attention. Oh well, I thought. Not like she will be bothering me. At lunch I see the new girl. Her name is Isabella Swan, but prefers to be called Bella. Every time I hear that name I feel an overwhelming feeling of longing. And it confused the hell out of me. Jasper and Edward keep giving me weird looks, probably wondering why I was feeling and thinking these things. Alice kept giving me these weird little smirks as if she knows something that I don't. I hear that annoying human Jessica telling her about us. I then hear this Isabella diss her. As she is dissing Jessica I turn to see Bella. As I saw her my world stopped. It was like my world revolved around her. Her hair went to the small of her back and she had the most gorgeous brown eyes. She was wearing all black which was kinda sexy. Then I heard her say she was leaving. I wanted to chase after her, but that would look suspicious. After she left I turn back to my family.

They are all smirking until Emmet finally says"Congrats on finding your mate. And might I say she is HOT!"

"Shut up I growl.

"Rosalie was that new girl your mate?" Victoria asks, uncharacteristically nervous.

"Yes" I reply.

"Um, I've met her before. She knows who I am."


"Uh in Phoenix she was my best friend."

"So she knows you. That makes it easier to try and get in her good graces then"

"Um, she kinda hates me. I left her in Phoenix and didn't even say goodbye."

"You what?" I growl.

"I know I messed up. I'll try and talk to her after school."

"You better" I hiss. Just then the bell rang and I went to AP biology. I am seated when my mate walks in. She says that she is the new student. Then I realize the only free spot in the room is next to me.

As she is sitting down she introduces herself. "Hello, I'm Bella Swan. I am assuming I am to be your new partner so, hi" I knew it would be wise to distance her from myself. I was a monster and I wouldn't subject my mate to that.

"I am Rosalie Hale. Don't speak to me unless needed" This was literally the hardest thing to say. I thought that would crush Bella but instead she just shrugged it off.

"Well hot damn, talk about fucking brutal" I hear her mutter to herself, almost inaudible to humans. I was about to apologize, but just then the bell rang and the lesson started. We were doing cell division. I had already done this hundreds of times so I was good. Bella also seemed to know what was going on. We were the first ones done in class. As Mr. Banner came around I could tell he wasn't surprised that we were done. He just automatically assumed I did everything. That seemed to piss Bella off.

"I identified ⅗ of these, so don't go on about having a Hale as my partner. I am not so inept to not be able to see the differences and identify them for what they are. I do not appreciate being called dumb" I was mentally cheering her on, but kept my face impassive. Mr. Banner walked away then with his cheeks beet red.

"God what is with people always thinking I'm so fucking dumb? This shit is easy." I then hear her say. I snort because it was funny. I knew my eyes were black though. I didn't appreciate the teacher thinking my mate was dumb. I could see that we had 20 minutes left of class, so I just sat there as Bella got out a red notebook and began to write furiously in it. After about 15 minutes she quit writing and had a proud look on her face tinged with sadness. I look to see what was written and see it was a song. I was curious so I asked to read it. She looks hesitant before saying

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