We Talk

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I run home as fast as I can. When I get there I collapse on my bed in tears. That confrontation literally drained me. Now that I think back to it though, why was everyone there? That should have gone down with just me and Victoria. I needed something to get my mind off Victoria, so I did the obvious thing and calls Sierra.

Hey, how was it?

Shit hit the fan.

I'm sorry B. I knew how much you wanted to reconnect with Victoria.

It sucked. It's just, she had such a shitty excuse for leaving it enraged me. I ended up yelling at all of them and damning them to hell.

I'm sorry B. Do you want me to distract you?

Yes! I exclaimed.

Ok, what book do you want today? I only have an hour though. I have to study for a history test.

Little house on the prairie again! I exclaimed. (I never really said why Bella likes to be read to. It reminds her of when she was little and both her parents would read to her. Sierra likes to read to her because it calms both of them, I mean who isn't soothed by being read to?)

Ok, we will start from where I last left off.

After about 20 minutes she stops and asks if I am fine now.

Yes I am in control of my emotions right now. Thanks for doing this Si.

Anytime B.

Love you.

Love you too. Now just to study...

After my conversation is done I feel drained. I decide I am still full from the last time I ate then go upstairs and crash. I only went to bed at 7 last night so I woke up really early the next day. I get ready for school and eat. I hear Charlie yell goodbye and I reply with a goodbye of my own. I see that I am 2 hours early, I didn't have to be at school for a while. Alone with my thoughts for the first time since yesterday, I am starting to feel guilty for what I said to Rosalie. It wasn't her fault I was mad at Victoria. I figured I might as well apologize to her today. Then, maybe not. I don't want to appear unstable. As I was contemplating, I was playing with the necklace around my neck. I don't let anyone see it though. It is literally one of the most precious things I own. It is a charm necklace with the butterfly charm Victoria got me, the Glass book my Renee got me before she started being abusive and the white glass swan my Father got me. And it has the heart that Sierra got me when we started dating. It has the engraving I will always love you B on it. I play with the necklace whenever I am deep in thought. I see that I have an hour until I have to leave now, so I go and re-read Little Women.

At precisely 8:15 I get in my truck and head to school. At 8:27 I arrive at the school and walk around, trying to get more acquainted. At 8:50 I walk into my first class. Nothing really exciting happens until biology. I he library instead of eating and basically avoid Jessica and her crew. Although I do talk to Angela some. As I was reading I contemplated why I was even in school. I could just get my GED and get out of here and not have a whole year left of high school. If I did that though, I wouldn't have many friends and be labeled as a know-it-all. I hear the lunch bell ring and go to biology. I was the first one there so I quietly took my seat and waited for class to start. As I sat there thinking of what we were doing, I didn't notice Rosalie sit next to me. I only noticed because she poked me when Mr. Banner started speaking. I flinched, startled.

"Thanks" I say. Then I turn to the lesson and see that we are doing cell division again. Almost all of the class didn't finish yesterday, so we had a free period. When I hear this I get excited, more time to read and maybe talk to Rosalie; I still wanted to apologize.

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